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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    October 28, 1953 M r. Wm. Reinhardt V ice President Los Vegas Land & Water Company 422 West Sixt h Street Los Angeles, California Processing Project Applications Dear M r. Reinhardt: This letter is for the purpose of recommencing and requesting that the following procedure be followed henceforth in connection with processing applications received by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company for additions and better­ments to the present system: 1, Authorize and direct Acting General Manager L. R. Moag of Las Vegas to send such applications direct to James M . Montgomery, District Consulting Engineer, 15 North Oakland Avenue, Pasadena, 1, California, for examination and approval. 2. Applications approved by M r. Montgomery to be returned to the D is- _ trlct in Las Vegas for appropriate action by the authorized District ofifoppi*. 3h. Applications which have first been approved by District Engineer James M . Montgomery, bind subsequently approved by the District w ill then be returned to the Las Vegas Land & Water Company. In the opinion of the District, the above procedure w ill both expedite and simplify the handling of these matters. If you are in agreement with this arrangement, w ill you please so direct Acting General Manager L. R . M aag, furnishing us with a confirmation thereof. Very truly yours, LAS V EG A S VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ®y__________ Thomas A. Campbell President TACspj