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    President Campbell then discussed the impromptu meeting of three of the Directors with Hr* Shamberger, assistant State Engineer, discussing the filing on water from Lake Head. The Directors decided to write the Chairman of the Colorado River Commission a courteous letter announcing our filing on water from Lake Mead. Actually the water-right map had not yet gone to Carson City due to several causes beyond the control of the Manager. The filing form was made, however, June 16, but as yet has not been publldied by the State Engineer. The Governor, as Chairman of the Colorado River Commission, therefore, would be first informed by our letter. The letter to the Chairman of the Colorado River Commission, prepared and sent by Tice President Butterfield in the absence of the District President, was read by the Manager, and an acknow­ledgement to same, signed by the Governor*s Secretary, was also read aid filed. The matter of having a water right survejyor engaged to sign and t ake responsibility for the water-right filtag map was discussed. It was the sense (f the Directors that Director Miller approach Mr. C. D. Baker to do the work of sigdng the map (the work of preparation having been completed by the Manager), designate a fee, and the Manager to get a receipt for the services of Baker to include work on the District Map and the honorary work of signing the water-right map. Secretary Coulthard arrived at 3*55 and took rarer his duties as Secretary. Director Miller then discussed the local situation as to the water utility and the bursts of indignation recent exhibited toward the utility, the Public Service Commission and the District. The discussion wqs continued for some time, covering the seeming reversal of the assurance of the City Commissioners to support the District in its taking over of the local utility. The situation as to water for the Nellis Air Base project was also reviewed. A joint meeting with the City Commissioners was suggested, but the time did not. yet seem propitious, since plans have not matured at the present time of agita­tion. The need for letting the people of the City and District know that an increase in water rates is jutifiable, and possibly the installation of meters unavoidable, was discussed. It was not known what was the true status of an application for an increase in water rates requested by the local utility. It was not believed by the Directors that the City Commissioners were sincere in suggesting that the utility be purchased by the City instead of by the Mater District. The Manager reported on his reconnaissance of pipe line routes.irom Henderson reservoirs to Las 7egas. Director Millar asked that the Manager prepare a cost estimate based on the minimum outlay recosmmnded by Greeley and Hansen for getting Lake Mead water in from Henderson. No action was re­ported as having been taken by the Air Forces at Nellis Air Base toward par­ticipation with us in a pipe line. Director Cashman agreed to get soma informa­tion, if at all possible,on what the Air Base knows. Help by high headquarters of Air Forces in furnishing funds for the delivery of 4 MOD to the Base may be sought* The President having been out of town durhg the several recent sessions of the City Commissioners, commented briefly on what he beliwved to be the local situation among the Commissioners. A discussion was then held as to ways and means to speed up the progress of the District*s affairs and cut off apparent local efforts to sidetrack the District. It was agreed that the inventory by Mr. Reinhardt’s office should be speeded up; and also that the President should take up without delay the engagement of Mr. Beebee for helping direct the bond procedures and assist in other work where legal aid is needed, such as with General Services Adminis­tration, with Las Vegas Land and Water Company negotiations, and possibly with the Air Forces.