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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    REDWOOD MANUFACTURER'S CO. R E DWO O D FOR D U R A B I L I T Y " PAGE 2 > Mr. Arthur Maguire. S.. P. L . A. & S. L. By Co. the s t e e l so th a t our crews could "begin working immediately th at the "bands a rriv e d . standard Bemoo, e x a c tly according to the s p e c ific a tio n s named on page 44 o f our ca ta lo g and we would have the lumber so thoroughly dry b efo re running in to the staves th at there would be no d e te rio ra tio n o f th is pipe i f i t was la id e n t ir e ly above ground in Las Vegas. With the w r ite r* s personal regards to y o u r s e lf and Mr. C larke, we are, The pipe on which we are quoting would be our Yours v e ry tru ly BEBWOOD MANUFACTUBEBS COMPANY, MANAGES PIPE TANK & SILO DEPT HBW:C