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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    %'M X WwBBaa “B$? Lob Angeles, September SO, 1950 1-7334 Mr, A, M, Polger* From information accompanying your letter of September 18th, file W-13-2, we have platted on our water map of I>as Vegas the streets shaded yellow on the attached print* Tou will note there is a Bonanza Road in Biltmore Annex No* 2 and that the new street along the north edge of the Park is also shown as Bonanza Rd* Are the names of both these streets correct? Map furnished with your letter shows Mesquite Ave. crossing the park and continuing indefinitely west of Second St. How far west has Mesquite been opened? If it is possible will you please telephone me this informa­tion when you have obtained it, as we wish to get our water map revised and prints furnished at the earliest possible date, E. R, Pavia Id w" u x S.. 26 1950