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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V !r. E. E. Bennett: Las Vegas, Nevada July 22, 1953 \ ec - Paul Harrison In partial reply to your letter of July 9, and supple­menting our telephone conversation, I transmit herewith the original field notes concerning some twelve wells on or in the vicinity of the so-called "Strip” area. I am also sending by registered mail under separate cover a map showing the location of the wells covered by the field notes. no copies. I don’t know yet how I was able to have these turned over to us, but have promised to return them by the middle of next week. That is why they are sent by registered mail • Since there are no graphs available, I thought you might have the notes graphed as to each well. They should indicate the percentage of draw-down in the resort hotel wells by way of comparison. I am told that there is an obvious interference with the wells of T. A. Wells as soon as the Desert Inn commences its pumping, and the assistant well supervisor, Mr. Ross, was of the opinion that a graph of the field notes would show other interference. no effort to determine the lowering of the water table, but they <fco keep track of the amount of discharge from their wells. and I talked with Mayor French, who seemed most cooperative. Julian Moore, General Manager of Basic Management, Inc., ad­vises that 5,000,000 per day has been allocated to the city of Henderson for domestic and commercial use. Since B.M.I. owns the pipe line from Lake Mead and the reservoir, this is only a paper commitment and is no assurance that the city Of Henderson will actually receive this amount of water, or will be guaranteed more than this amount exceeds Both the notes and the map are originals and. there are As stated to you on the phone, the resort hotels make With reference to the Henderson area, Bill Coulthaird 5,000,000 gallons per day.