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I agree.s SUBJECTi Agreement Audit No.665?, between I,as Teg&e Land S Water Co. Hr# C*fU M'ooas, Secretary, Lae Vegas Land & Water Co,, Los Angeles, C a lif. Bear S ir : We sold under Agreement, Audit Ro.SbLV, dated Feb. 24/1926, acreage ly in g South o f C arola S tre e t, Clark*® La© Vegas fow n site, and adjacent th ereto* This acreage was sold f o r the mas o f #4O,00C .0-0, on e*fou rth o f which was paid on d e liv e r y o f agreement, th e balance, * 3 0 ,6 0 0 .0 0 , to be paid as p er paragraph 1 in agree* ment, page 3 (a t any time w ithin a y ea r’ fro® date th e r e o f}* the f i r s t S tate Bank th e balance o f *30,000*00 due on th is agree* meut, and has requested deed with ab stract o f t i t l e . W ill you, th e re fo re , k in d ly have prepared a t your v e ry e a r ly convenience deed coverin g tills p lo t o f ground and, a f t e r executed by l r . Calvin a n d 'a ttested , k in d ly ©end me fo r d e liv e r y and I w i l l tsake © c lle e * . t i on and forward the ©ass© to Treasurer*© o f f i c e , which w i l l clo se the tra n sa ctio n . and the K&wklns Land a te r Co La© Toga®, Nevada, June 15 th, 192 The Hawkins Land A- '^aier l-o. have deposited in escrow in Tours tru ly , Vice President A Agent wnii/mcp