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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-50


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    Soccial Heating. Present Mayor Pro Ten Smith, Commissioners Hansell, Thomas, German, together with the City Attorney ) CALL and ^lerk. io /Lola Burns, City ^lerk of the City of Las Ve-as, Levada. A special meeting of the Board of City Commissi ners of the City of Las Vega- is here­by called to be held at the Board Room of said Board in the County Court House in the Cjty of Lac Yogas, County of Clark, State of Nevada on Friday the 18th day of October 1329-at the hour of eight o'clock P.1.1, to consider and act upon the following matters, to-wit: 1. To accept, approve and file estimates for paving, curbing and improvment of new street areas. 2. To consider and act upon the matters relating to the widening of Fremont -Street and placing of ornmental lighting standards. 3. To consider and act upon the matter of the release of the bond of H. T. Hempstead furnished in relation to garbage hauling contract heretofore. 4. To consider and act upon plans and specifications for paving and curbing new stree! areas in the City. You will give notice in accordance herewith. Dated this 18th day of October 1939. O.J. Smith Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Las Vegas. To- J. F. Hesse Mayor, 0. J Smith, Thomas, L. 3. Hansell, and X. c. German Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas: You and each of you will please take notice, that pursuant to call therefor this day lay issued by O.J. Smith, Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of J. F. Hesse, Mayor of the City, from sail. City of Las Vegas, a specila meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Yogas will be held at the Board Room of said Board in the County Court House in the City of Las V^gas, County of Clark, State of Nevada on Friday the 18th day of October, 1329 at the tour of dight o'clock P.M. to consider, and act upon the following matters, to-wit: 1. To accept, approve and file estimates for paving, curbing, and improvments of n.w street areas. 2. To consider and act upon matter relating to the widening of Fremont Ltreet, and placing of ornamental lighting standards. 5. To consider and act upon the matter of the release of the bond of N. T. Hemp­stead furnished in relation to garbage hauling contract heretofore. 4. To consider and act upon plans and specifications for paving and curbinm new street areas in the City. You will govern yourselves accordingly. -* r . , Dated this 18th day of October 1929. * * ' Viola Burns City Clerk. 17e, the undersigned hereby admit and accept service of notice of special meeting )f the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas to be held at the Board Room^of sail Board on Friday the 13th day of October 1329, pursuant to the above and foregoing Call and Notice, and hereby represent that Mayor J. F. Hesse is absent from the City of Las Vegas, cm t,.is date add unable to be served and his exact whereabouts cannot be ascertained easily.' Dated this 18th day of October, 1929. O.J. Smith L. B Hansell Mayor Pro. Tem. Commissioner 7. C. German R. ,7. Tgormg,_____ Commissioner Commissioner. ^ Th matter of the acceptance of the setimates for thepaving and curbing of new ctrect^arcas in the City was laid over to a meeting to be held intke near future as the octiwa^es were not ready for the Board to accept same. ^-ne Clerk was in structed to obtain a certified copy of the assignment of the Garbage utract from^the H. T. Hempstead Co. to -he Las Vegas Disposal Co. and Las Vegas Disposal Co. present &egal evidence of the organization of the Las Vegas Disposal Co. to the Board before "he Bond of H. T. Hempstead could be relaesed. matter of theplacing of the ornamental lighting standards on Fremont Street was next brought be fore the Board. After a length discussion the following resolution was in­troduced byCommissioner Hansell, and seconded by Commissioner Thomas. resolve, that the Water, Sew and Light Commissioner be, and he is hereby authorized designate the location of the lighting standards, "ondnits and appurtenances ^t^e^t ' s-Rd placed in, on and under the street and sidewalk spaces on Fremont the street lighting improvement now under the course of construction . ^ni; ^treet as heretofore authorized, and that in designating such location the same may wo -e Placed in, on and under the street and sidewalk spaces on Fremont ^tre t at points ^'H*ee feet from the face of thepresent curb on said street. C. j on said Resolution was as follows, Commissioner Thomas, and Hansell, and * n Mayor Pro Tem voting Aye. Noes None. * adjourned being no further business to ceme before the Board at this time the meeting