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    LAS 7EGA3 I/JO AM) WATER COMPANY Statement Showing Comparison of Equipment, Investment, Consumption, Depreciation and Taxes of Various Companies Furnishing Water Within the State of Nevada. tflO \> Special Name and Location of Source of Water Company Water Supply Las Vegas Land and Water Co., Las Vegas, Nevada 2 Artesian Springs 1 Artesian Well Depth of Wells 636 ft. Character of Character of Pumping Equipment None Storage Equipment Distance of Source of Water Supply from Distributing System Cost of Entire Investment Authorised Valuation of Water Rights or Quantity o f Water Tlssd for Fast Tear Annual Consumption Rate of Population Per Capita in Depreciation ater S u p p l y U . 3 . G a l l c m s of City U.S.Gallons on Pipe Rate of Depreciation on Reservoir Appraised and Valuation Pumping for Tax Equipment Purposes vfierra Pacific ®ruche© Power Co., River and ieno and Hunter Ipaiflcs ,Nev. Greejfc. and 2 walla ( f l y Water Co., Springs 590 ft. 400 ft. None jast Ely, Nevada jjplco Minloi-t$ 5l Water ? porks, 'Iko ^Nevada Springs Shallow wells Deep wells #1” 20 ft. #5-150 ft. #9-156 ft, #10*397 ft. Western States Springs Utilities Co., 17$ w'innemucca, Wells Nev. Regular 100 ft. "Western" deep well turbine pump pumping di­rectly into Distribution Mains 1 set of springs handled by electric oentrlfugal pump #1 Section pump. #5,#9&#10 Deep well turbine pumps Regular $ 500 000 Gallon con­crete Reservoir- Covered A Fenced 7/8 Mile $291 793.97 $ 6 000,00 650 000 000 8 000 81 250 Redwood 4$ Cast Iron 2$ Reservoir 4$ Pump Eq, None Diet.Mains $100 000.00 Open Reser­voirs -earth embankment-sides rip-rapped Trucks© River 13.5 miles Hunter Creek 4 miles Not shown $100 000.00 2783 066 500 23 000 164 480 Steel 3$ Cast Iron 1$ Reservoir 2$ Pump Eq, 4% $750 000.00 2 Reservoirs if- miles $760 127.81 Not valued Not shown 4 000 Not shown Oregon Fir 5$ Reservoir 5$ $ 90 000.00 2 concrete Reservoirs 7 miles $238 054.44 No definite valuation * Approx. 300 000 000 Approx. 3 000 100 000 Steel 4 to 25 years Cast iron Reservoir Z& Pump Eq. 5$ None-City owned 2 concrete Byron Jackson Reservoirs Springs 4 miles Auxiliary 12 stage deep 220 000 Gals. Wells in City of Love-look, Love­lock ^Nevada pumped 82$ 70 ft. well pump. and 300 000 center of Auxiliary Gals. System 6" Gould Fire reser­Triplex voir 500 000 Gals. Watersheds, 50 ft. 1-8* Fair­1 250 000 18 and 25 Springs and and banks -Morse gallon oon- miles Wells 335 ft. 1-8* Deepwell orete reser- Western tur­voir one bine 30 000 gallon elevated steel tank <!> j $193 468.71 Information 160 000 000 not avail­able $228 108.51 Not shown 4 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 2 500 1 300 64 000 31 730 negligible Redwood 10$ Cast Iron uimotioeable 10$ None-City owned Taxes Assessed for Tear 1931 Dlst.Mains $ 3 746.25 None $100 000.00 $ 3 537.50 None City of Fallon,One Deep 310 ft. Fa lion .Nevada Well Water Company Wells in Average of Tonopah, Rye Patch about Tonopah, 40 ft. Nevada ^O ffice o f V ice President and Agent, Las Y ogas, Nevada, July 8 , 1932. Byron Jackson 2 Tanks Turbine Pump Deep well Concrete lumps and reservoirs Triplex and auxil-pluager pumps, iary wood Water is tanks puzaped over divide 800 ftf higher than pumping station 1 mile $142 743.39 None 91 859 733 1 750 30 743 Not available Not available None-Clty Owned 14 miles $700 000.00 $ 50 000.00 15 576 000 1 500 10 384 Redwood 3$ 3$ Cast Iron $ 75 000.00 This valua- $ None $ 3 000.00 tion was made so as to keep the plant running as Company has operated at a lose for sev­eral years.