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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    VOL. X U , NO. 176. 5c DAILY LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1949. Irate Residents Ask Improved Water Conditions . Petitions demanding that the Nevada public service commission take immediate steps to force the Las Vegas Land and Water company to furnish adequate service to - users in this city were being circulated this morning. This newest move came as an aftermath to the curtailment of irrigation which, according to residents of various sections of the city has resulted in their being without water from 5 p.m. when the sprinkling hour begins until approximately 10 p.m when people generally start go­ing to bed. Declaring themselves to be “ tired and disgusted with being unable to water lawns and flow­ers, flush toilets or otherwise, which in the past we have been able to do,” nearly 200 water users had signed the documents up to noon today according to circulators. They call upon the state com' mission to require the local util­ity to “ furnish all the necessary water for use in or around the average home and business” or to sell to “ someone who will guarantee to furnish the same at reasonable cost.” Reports from the Tenth and Oakie boulevard section of Hunt-ridge were that immediately users the city over start water­ing lawns at 5 o ’clock, pressure drops to the vanishing point and there is no water in a score or more homes for dinner, baths, flushing toilets or irrigation of lawns and gardens. Other high sections of the city reported similar con­ditions, while in most ether areas users were quite satis­fied. According to those circulating the petitions, they will be for­warded to Carson City as soon as a representative number of signatures are secured. Some of the leaders in the movement in­dicated they will demand the commission conduct a hearing in Las Vegas at which they will be permitted to be heard. A check of the water situation throughout the .city indicated that the lack of water between the hours of 5 and 10 in the evening was fairly general, although it was not as serious as it was when the shortage first developed. The Huntridge situation, ac­cording to the survey, is the worst of the city, although other areas are reported t o . be af­fected. a. m. folgh Speciah Z tw a a se x T Umw p i® L as V eka, . N e v a