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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    D O H O T A D D R E S S T H E S I G N E R O F T H I S L E T T E R T E L E P H O N E P r o s p e c t 4711 for PEACE B U T A 9P R E S S Y O U R R E P L Y T O O F F I C E R I N C H A R G E U . # . N A V Y P U R C H A S I N G O F F I C E U. S. NAVY PURCHASING OFFICE EM9»( 240 )/S2 la h uos A N G E L E S I S . C A L IF O R N I A 1206 SOUTH SANTEE STREET SAVINGS B O N D S Sehedo 87438 18 January 1950 Las Yagas Land & Water Co*, Las Vegas* Nevada, Subjects Navy Purchasing 0ffic@»Lcs Angeles contract N123s~56977 Gentlemens It is requested that paragraph A o f Section X «* Payments* of subject ©ontract be amended to read as follows, in lieu of as originally shown, effective 23 January 1950* •’Payments for the service furnished to each service location shall be made monthly upon submission of properly certified invoices* Invoices to be billed to Officer in Charge of activity receiving service* but submitted to Public Works Office (Utilities Pro* ourement Division)* Eleventh Naval District, San Diego* California* for certification and further transmittal to the activity concerned*** All other terms and conditions of the contract to remain as originally shown* This action is made pursuant to the terns of the original contract* GC/SAO NMO SS(DRQ)NE SOIC USD SD EPSO S3 PSD LB BuY&D QIC NRTO Las Vegaa Very truly yours, EARL G» LOOMIS Coffldr*sSC(S)fUSM Officer in Charge®