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Transcript of interview with Susan Molasky by Barbara Tabach, March 11, 2014



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    AN INTERVIEW WITH SUSAN MOLASKY An Oral History Conducted by Barbara Tabach The Southern Nevada Jewish Community Digital Heritage Project Oral History Research Center at UNLV University Libraries ?Southern Nevada Jewish Community Digital Heritage Project University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2014 Produced by: The Oral History Research Center at UNLV - University Libraries Director: Claytee D. White Project Manager: Barbara Tabach Transcriber: Kristin Hicks Interviewers: Barbara Tabach, Claytee D. White Editors and Project Assistants: Maggie Lopes, Stefani Evans ii The recorded Interview and transcript have been made possible through the generosity of a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant. The Oral History Research Center enables students and staff to work together with community members to generate this selection of first-person narratives. The participants in this project thank University of Nevada Las Vegas for the support given that allowed an idea the opportunity to flourish. The transcript received minimal editing that includes the elimination of fragments, false starts, and repetitions in order to enhance the reader's understanding of the material. All measures have been taken to preserve the style and language of the narrator. In several cases photographic sources accompany the individual interviews with permission of the narrator. The following interview is part of a series of interviews conducted under the auspices of the Southern Nevada Jewish Community Digital Heritage Project. Claytee D. White Director, Oral History Research Center University Libraries University of Nevada Las Vegas ii i PREFACE Susan Molasky was born in Israel (what was then-Palestine) in mid-1930s, the daughter of Bukharian Jewish immigrants. With the end of World War II, at the age of nine Susan, her sister and mother were able to get visas to live with her father in London. It was in England where Susan learned English and began working, at a fabric shop on Regent Street. In 1957, Susan married her first husband, and the couple moved to Las Vegas on January 1, 1958. She knew immediately that the city would be her home. Susan and her husband moved to Las Vegas to help her brother-in-law, Leo Frey, renovate and manage the Moulin Rouge; their primary business was long-term room rentals to casino employees, occasionally renting to tourists when the casino hotels were full. After two years, her husband changed careers paths and the couple moved to Europe. They had three sons before returning to Las Vegas in 1964. In 1973, Susan married Irwin Molasky, whom she had met through her work with the Sisterhood at Temple Beth Sholom; both sat on the temple's board. Susan enjoyed the excitement and glamour that defined Las Vegas during the 1970s?attending show openings, visiting movie sets, and socializing with stars. But more than this, Susan devoted herself to helping others, most notably through the opening of Nathan Adelson Hospice. Her own battle with cancer, as well as serving as a caretaker for others, ignited her commitment to establish quality hospice care in her beloved city, and she has continuously led the organization's fundraising efforts. There are now two Nathan Adelson Hospice facilities serving the greater Las Vegas area. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Interview with Susan Molasky on March 11, 2014 by Barbara Tabach in Las Vegas, Nevada Preface iv Talks about her background, parents' emigration from the Soviet Union due to oppression of Jewish people, to Afghanistan, then to Israel (then-Palestine), where parents met. Describes father's diamond business; family moving to London; starting to work as soon as possible, starting at a men's fabric store. Mentions meeting first husband; moving to Las Vegas; moving parents to New York. Shows interviewer family photos, from grandparents to her children 1-5 Continues sharing photos, including of UNLV basketball team when won the NCAA Championship; Halloween parties at Las Vegas Country Club; fundraiser events with Kirk Douglas, Muhammad Ali; theme parties. Talks about grandparents; learning English when moving to England; more about selling fabric. Mentions how got the name Susan 6-11 Discusses moving to Las Vegas, renovating and running the Moulin Rouge, owned by brother-in- law;. Describes the close-knit community in city during that time; going to show openings; returning to London to give birth. Returns to Las Vegas, living at Moulin Rouge; two years later husband changes careers and family moves to Europe; has two more children; moves back to Las Vegas; buy home near synagogue and children's school. Sons attend military high school...12-14 Talks about Temple Beth Sholom; serving as Sisterhood president; meeting friends within the local Jewish community through involvement. Discusses battle with ovarian cancer, recovery; surviving an aneurysm. Chats about motivation to start Nathan Adelson Hospice; meeting husband Irwin; Irwin's career as property developer. Mentions moving to Regency Towers. Shares her love for her city, joy for life; exciting times meeting and befriending stars 15-22 More about connections to entertainers; friendship with Totie Fields. Talks about going to Sliver Slipper with first husband when initially moving to city; getting comped; favorite restaurants back then. Discusses friendships made within the Jewish community; Israel bonds; leading women's organization with Edythe Katz and Jean Weinberger 23-26 Describes fundraising event for hospice at MGM, involving local community members in its big show. Shares more photos, including those with Coach Tarkanian, Governor Mike O'Callaghan, Kirk Douglas, Parry Thomas, Mohammed Ali; Totie Fields, Richard and Penny Crenna, Burt Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor; photos with Irwin, dressing up at costume parties 27-30 Index 31-32 Photo appendix 33 v ORAL HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER AT UNLV Boyer Early Las Vegas Oral History Project Use Agreement Name of Narrator: / SUS AAi /T) O Name of Interviewer: We. llic above named, give to the Oral I Iistory Research Center of UNLV, the recorded interview(s) initiated on ^ - / / - v P l / V along with typed transcripts as an unrestricted gift, to he used for such scholarly and educational purposes as shall be determined, and transfer to the University of Nevada las Vegas, legal title and all literary property rights including copyright. This gift does not preclude the right of the interviewer, as a representative of UNLV, nor llic narrator to use the recordings and related materials for scholarly pursuits. I understand that my interview will he made available to researchers and may be quoted from, published, distributed, placed on the Internet or broadcast in any medium that the Oral History Research Center and UNLV Libraries deem appropriate including future forms ol electronic and digital media. There will be no compensation for any interviews. Library Special Collections 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 457010, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-7070 (702) 895-2222 r v i Today's date is March 11, 2014, and I am sitting in the den of the Molasky residence here in Las Vegas. Would you state your name and spell it so that the transcriber knows exactly how it's spelled? Susan, S-U-S-A-N; Molasky, M-O-L-A-S-K-Y. Great. Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come here today to talk to you and learn about your Vegas experiences. You've written down here that you came here in 1958. I did. That was a long time ago. It was. But let's go back even further. You also told me that your mother lives here in the same building. Yes, she does. Tell me about your background. Both my parents were born in Bukhara, which is in Russia. I don't think it's Russia now, but in Russia. My mother left when she was ten years old. There was oppression there with the Jews. She left; the family left, actually in a horse and cart. Kids were all in the car. My grandmother had thirteen children. God rest her soul. It took them like four or five years to get from where they were in Bukhara to Afghanistan because that's the route to go through. They lived there?my mother was a young girl, so she wasn't married then?until she was fifteen and a half. Then they immigrated to Israel; in those days it was Palestine. She met my father. They got married. My mother had a set of twins. Unfortunately, both died. One of my other sisters passed, also. So there's just my sister and I, and she also lives in Las Vegas. They went from Palestine. She had 1 gotten married there and we were born. My father was doing business?I don't know if you're interested. I am. This is great. My father was in the diamond business. He left Palestine in 1930; it had to be '39, the beginning of 1939, before the war started. I was already born. My sister Shirley was in? In the belly. ?in the belly. My father left. War started. He couldn't come back to Palestine and we couldn't leave until after the war was over. So in 1946, we got visas to go to London to be with my father because by then he had established himself in business. We went to London. Couldn't speak a word of English. My sister and I both went to school. I had a very tough time learning English, and then being thrown in school. How old were you by then? I was nine-years-old. I went to school and studied as much as I could, but I wanted to?we had very tough times in those days. As soon as I finished school I went to work. I wanted to get?you know how it is with a young girl, wants pretty clothes. Yes. And being able. Up to then we only had a new outfit once a year on the Jewish holiday, on the New Year. So I wanted to work and I did. I sold men's fabric, like men's wool fabric?alpaca and worsted?on Regent Street in London, which I enjoyed very much. How old were you when you started working? Sixteen, fifteen and a half. I learned a lot about fabrics. Then one day I met the father of my children. He was in London and I met him through a friend. I was eighteen-years-old at that time; eighteen, nineteen. We got married within a year when I was twenty and we came to Las Vegas in 2 1958. January 1 of 1958 we were in Las Vegas Celebrated the New Year day here, huh? Yes. Wow. Well, let's fill in some of that. So your father, he sold loose diamonds? Yes. Was that a good business? How did he get into that, do you know? There wasn't too much else he could do. He wasn't trained to do anything. He was always in that business, either that or furs, raw furs, in Afghanistan. It wasn't that he had a store, a shop or anything. He had a very good name in Hatton Garden; that's where the jewelry center was for loose stuff. It's not a jewelry shop that you go to. You do deals; you deal with people. You're known by then. My father had a very good reputation as far as being an honest man. So people? he said I've got a client who might want this, this and that, and they were a diamond or pearls or whatever. They would give it to him and he would make a living that way; he would get a commission on what he sold. But he didn't sell it to the stores. He'd take the goods from one person and sell it to whoever was interested. So when you moved to Las Vegas, your parents remained in London? Yes, my parents and my sisters, my whole family. What was it like to grow up in London? What are your memories of that experience? I would say it was a wonderful time for me. I went to work every day. We went on the weekends only, of course, Saturday nights we used to go to a club. We couldn't drink at that time. I wasn't of age. It was just a club where you dance and you meet people. It's very nice. The lifestyle, it changed a lot from living in Israel and Afghanistan. Were your grandparents alive during any of this? 3 Yes. Did they move to London, as well? No, everybody stayed in Israel. My mother's family, my father's family were all there. Eventually my father's family immigrated to New York. And then after my?I lost a sister in London. After I was here. They didn't deal too well with that. So I moved them to New York first because they both had families there. My mother had brothers there. My father had a sister there, nephews and nieces, and a brother. So they became a little community there. We are actually Bukharian Jews from Bukhara. Explain that. You want to turn that off? I'm going to take you up... [Pause in recording] My parents, when they got married. How lovely. This is ceremonial robes. My dad used to wear this like on Passover and other Jewish holidays. I have this coat here at home. So is it like a tapestry-type fabric? No. I'll show it to you. Look at my mother there. Isn't she beautiful? Oh, beautiful. Oh, yes. That's wonderful. And this is my father's brother. There's one of my grandmother. That's his wife. But this wouldn't be how they dressed every day, would it be? Yes. It would be. Wow. It looks so formal and pretty. This, and this picture, is like our whole family in Israel. 4 That's a large family. Yes. These are my grandparents, my mother's parents. That's my father's brother. This is my mother here and here I am in the tummy. Was this a family reunion or a gathering for a special occasion, like a bar mitzvah? Yes. So they put one of these robes here. [Pause in recording] ?going out and they were getting engaged. My boys would wear this, just to take pictures. Yes, the family tradition of the clothing. Tradition. And this is? Here, I'll grab this. So that's the men's garment, okay. Yes. They have pants and then these here, but they just wear that on top. The colors are so vivid, not faded after all these?I mean these are how old? This photograph was 1930 something? Well, I wasn't born yet. I was born in '37. Okay. So late 1930s. No, but this has been? With the family before that. Right. These are the hats they used to?because when they ate?you had a hat. The head had to be covered. Look at the detail on that. You were a natural for getting into fabrics. I guess. And this is a shawl. You see the way she is wearing? This scarf? This goes on the head. Oh, that's beautiful, isn't it? Oh, my. I love the colors, gold and orange. Wow, beautiful. I ask that question out loud. 5 Bukhara. Bukhara; that would be the colors; they were bright colors generally? Well, they had different colors. I know we can't tell in the black and white photo. But looking at these garments, everything is vivid. This is more dressy. These are more dressy. Other than that it was simple cotton gowns, loose. And were you very observant? Yes. ?Jewish tradition? Yes. Did that continue for you every move? Did you stay...orthodox, is that what you were? Yes. I'm not orthodox now, but I do keep kind of a kosher home and I brought my kids to? answer the phone. I wanted my kids?but the boys don't?it depends who they marry? Right. I know. ?to keep it up. [Pause in recording] I'm talking about UNLV. I really didn't know what this was about, so I went through some of the albums. This is a picture of when we won the Final Four. Oh, right. How exciting is that? There's you, okay. This is me. That's Lovee Arum. This is Elaine Wynn. I used to go to every game with the team and Jerry. That's it. When we had the winning team, everybody got involved. And that's Parvin Modaber Jacobs. And these are all the kids. Oh, that's great. What a fun time. 6 That's Bonnie Schreck. I love college basketball. Do you ever go here? Oh, yes. We haven't gone to every game this year, but we try to go a lot. What other pictures? When you pulled out pictures, what did you pull out? I pulled this out. I used to get dressed on Halloween and go to the Las Vegas Country Club. That's when we were living in Regency Towers. Just so that the transcriber knows what I'm looking at, you are dressed as...tell us about your costume. My costume there is Diana Ross, and he's Elton John. Very cool. I'll show you the other pictures that I have here. This is Lillian Carter, Muhammad Ali. That's Cliff Perlman. This was taken at the Caesars. What was the occasion of this photo? A fundraiser. That's Kirk Douglas. Kirk Douglas, wow. That's my mom holding me. Oh, how cute. Now I'm going out of content, but I got?after I met Irwin, we started the Nathan Adelson Hospice here. So I'm in charge of fundraising. They do some, but I do the majority of it. We did one for a movie, "The Cotton Club," and my team all got costumes and that's how we dressed. Did you do that for every movie, or just "The Cotton Club?" It was an opening for that. We used the proceeds for the hospice. 7 So it was for our charity. This is my mom, my sister and I. Here is my?when my youngest son got married?was engaged, they're wearing? Oh, wearing some of the robes that we just looked at. Yes. How wonderful is that? That's great. This is one that Parvin and Ted, God rest his soul, Jacobs? They used to have a party every year and you had to come?always a theme party. You had to dress up as something. I was the dirty old man from?what's that? From Laugh-In. And Irwin was Totie Fields. We borrowed a dress from Totie. [Laughing] Oh, that's too cute. You had lots of fun. I did. That's my mother and my sister and my sons. Your sons. Handsome. There's my buddy Jerry Tarkanian. Yes, I was glad he got into the Hall of Fame. He deserved that. Of course he did. This was another one of the parties of Parvin that I was My Fair Lady. Irwin? they had a movie studio at that time and they got this outfit from My Fair Lady. That Audrey Hepburn actually wore? Not actually. Not Audrey. But yes, somebody wore. That's my older son. You had the really good wardrobe closet to go to. To go to, yes. So I didn't know what you intend to do. These are great because we were talking about how you decorate with photos; it shows your life and your family history and all of that. That's just really great. If we can take these and 8 scan those that would be great. Sure you can. And I can bring those back. Because we've talked about those and that'll be a nice compliment. Irwin is there, isn't he? He's in some of them, yes. Yes, this one. He's Totie Fields. [Laughing] Totie Fields. He's here, too. I'll scan them and then we'll write identifications on each one. I don't know if you want that. Yes. Yes, I do. That's me with my mom. So you're probably less than? I was a baby. I wasn't a year old yet. Did you know your grandparents, what did they do? I know you said they were from Russia. But what were their professions? My grandfather on my mother's side?I don't know what the other did?I never met my grandfather from my father's side. The mother I knew. She was the real matriarch. I really can't remember what my grandfather did. My mother's family was quite wealthy. Of course, they didn't take anything out of that because, as I said, they ran away from there. But I don't remember what he was in. All I remember of my grandfather was during the war, nineteen four?before we came to England, because my father was already in England. He couldn't get 9 back, as I told you. Right. I remember being socially with my grandparents; we used to go visit them sometimes in Tel Aviv. But when there was a shortage of food, he used to sneak in chickens to us so we could have something to eat. It was very tough in those days. I can only imagine. Extremely tough. Learning to speak said earlier that you were just sort of thrown into that? How quickly did you learn to speak English? I still don't speak English. [Laughing] Nothing. You pick up by listening as you sit in a classroom and you hear the language. My sister had a better education. I just wanted to go to work. It's not like today; you're thinking of becoming a doctor or you're thinking of becoming a scientist. That didn't enter [my mind]. My mind was I want to go to work, I want to give some money to my parents?I was living at home, and buy myself pretty clothes. What kind of clothes did you like to wear? For work I was in a suit?never in pants?suits, dresses. I used to sell fabrics, men's fabrics on Regent Street, and I learned about that business. Tell me about that business. It was sold by the yard. There was nothing ready-made. The shop was on Regent Street, between Regent Street and Oxford Street in London. It's mostly all tourists. They came in for the fabrics, and English people. Did you sell to the tailors? No. People came in from the street to buy three yards of this or to have a suit made or whatever. 10 We would tell them how many yards they would need. And then they would take the fabric out with them to their tailor. Yes, to their tailor. I was curious. I'm a tailor's daughter. Are you? Custom tailor. I remember going to look at the fabrics even in London within the last twenty years. It's still fun to go look at the fabrics. They're so beautiful there. He taught me well. I did some office work, typing, because I did take a course in typing. And then he let me sell. Then I just sold more than anything else because I was a good salesperson. And the name Susan; that doesn't sound very Russian. It's not Russian. My name is Shoshana, which is in Hebrew. I was born over there, anyway. Shoshana, which means rose, but I don't like the name Rose. I didn't want to be Rosie. So I said to my mother, I said, "I want to be called Susan." So that's how I became Susan. It sounds more British, too. Nothing to do with being British. I think what it really was I saw a movie with Susan Hayward and I liked her. That does influence us. So we fast forward and you moved to Las Vegas, as you said, in 1958 with your? January. With my first husband. The first husband. What brought you specifically to Vegas besides him? Was it his job or... ? No. His brother owned the Moulin Rouge Hotel. I don't know if you know it. Yes, I do know a lot. You do? Okay. He owned it. Since my ex didn't have a job, he says, "Why don't you go there 11 with Susan and open it up, get it cleaned up, painted and whatever, and rent the rooms out like to the cocktail waitresses, to the bartenders?" So we did. What was your brother-in-law's name? Leo Frey. Leo Frey, okay. I didn't want to interrupt your story. So you're cleaning up the Moulin Rouge to open it up? Yes. It wasn't a casino. Not the casino part. Just get the rooms rented out. We used to have a lot of cocktail waitresses and bartenders and people who worked on the Strip. They rented by the month, of course. It wasn't one-nighters. I used to work the switchboard. So comes the weekend there?the only time that we can rent to the tourists is when they were filled up on the Strip, all the hotels and the motels that were there. There weren't that many. They would call the Moulin Rouge. That's how we got some tourists there because the town was filled up; the rooms were all filled up. So the owners on the Strip would actually send people to the Moulin Rouge sometimes? Yes, or they'd call and look and see what's open, and probably drove up and down to look for a room. When we came here, I loved it. I loved Vegas then so much. The people were friendlier. They made you feel more welcome. My ex and I, we didn't have kids then, but I did get pregnant right away. We used to go out to eat and we met a lot of the owners and they were so wonderful to us. They were amazing, friendly, and hospitable. If we gambled it wasn't because?they comped us everything, and not because we had money, but because they liked us. I loved Vegas in those days. It was amazing. The openings when we used to go out, a man had to put a suit on; a woman was in a cocktail dress. It was very glamorous and very beautiful. 12 What were some of the openings that you remember going to? I went to all the openings then. There was Dean Martin. There was Frank Sinatra. When they had Rat Pack on at the Sands that was amazing. It was really, really fun. Today I don't even want to go out. [Laughing] I don't even want to go out anymore. But it was a very exciting time then. How long were you involved at the Moulin Rouge before you moved on to something else? We were there?then I got pregnant and we weren't set up to have a child?I had an OB/GYN, but I did go back to London. All my kids were born in London. oh, really? Yes. Why? At that time?the first one especially because we weren't set up properly and he had to fix?he took like three, four rooms and made an apartment for us after he found out I was pregnant. And I wanted to go home. I was scared. I was twenty-years-old. Three or four rooms where? Where were the rooms? From the Moulin Rouge. So you were actually living there, too. I didn't understand that. Yes, we lived there and worked there. So I went back to London to have Michael, my oldest. I was gone for?I stayed until he was six weeks old and I came back to Vegas. Then we had a nice apartment. The baby had a room. We had a bedroom and a living room. We put in a kitchen because I used to have to go to the big kitchen to cook dinner from our room, a hotel kitchen, which wasn't open, of course, but it had a little area there that I used to go and cook. How long did you live there? When Michael was two years old, we made a change. My ex didn't want to do that anymore. He 13 went into business and got into the money market. We took a place in Geneva. So we lived in Geneva for a year. I got pregnant with my second kid. Then we went to live in Brussels for a year. Then I had three boys. And then after the third one, when he was a year old, he says, "Time to go back. We have to settle down. Where do you want to live?" I said, "I want to go back to Vegas." So you came back. What year would that have been? 1964. How had the city changed between '58 and '64? There were more hotels built. I had fun looking for a house to live in. We went back to the Moulin Rouge until I found a house. We found one where the Marshalls and Exbers used to live. It was a cul-de-sac right behind the Temple Beth Sholom, the old one on Oakey. It was nice. It was wonderful because they had the temple, especially with boys, bar mitzvah. So the temple and the schools were just down the roads. I didn't have to drive them. I looked all over and I didn't want to be sitting in a car and driving all day, doing pick up. So we bought the house. We loved it. My oldest son went to school locally and then I sent him to?he always wanted to be in a military school. He wanted to be in a military school? Yes. He chose to. He went to the Army and Navy Academy in Carlsbad, California. And then my second son, Gary, went there a couple of years later. He didn't like it, so he came back and I sent him to another school. He didn't like the regimentation, and he still doesn't like it today. Then I had my little one, the youngest, Robert. I forgot what school he went to. He went to college, but he was in SC. Michael was at SC and so was Robert. I can't remember the prep school he went to, but I'm entitled. Yes, you are. So they didn't go to the local high schools here? 14 No. But they did go to the public elementary schools in the neighborhood? Yes. And then religious education was at Temple Beth Sholom. Temple Beth Sholom. Tell me about Temple Beth Sholom back then. How many members were there, do you recall? I was the Sisterhood president, actually. I don't know. But when he comes down, my husband, remind me and I'll ask him. He'll know. We can fill that in. So were all the people in the neighborhood around there Jewish? No. I mean it wasn't on purpose; it's just the way it... No. We had non-Jews living on the same street. It was a cul-de-sac. So it wasn't a big street. The Marshalls lived there and the Exbers. They were the only Jewish families that was there. Talk about the friends that you have made in the community. I've met Mr. Marshall. He seems like a really? Art? Yes. A really nice guy. What was the community like socially outside of the Strip? I got involved in the temple. As I said, I was Sisterhood president. That's how I got to meet all the people that I know today. In those days, Carl Cohen's wife, Fran Cohen?I couldn't find a picture of her?they owned the Sands then. I started with?she was involved with the Israel bonds. I got involved in all of these charities. I'm still involved in charities. Now I'm just involved where I work, at the hospice. 15 Let's talk about the hospice, about starting that. How long has it been? I had cancer about thirty years ago. I had stage three ovarian cancer, and I want you to know I wasn't sick. I had a doctor?he passed since then?a gynecologist. I kept on going for checkups. He says, "Let me do this test." It never hit my mind that I am sick because I didn't feel sick. I was fine. Anyway, finally he told me, he said, "One last test." I said, "Okay." When he told me, I couldn't believe it and he couldn't believe it. Oh, my God, his face was as white as this tissue. I found myself an oncologist. I wasn't one of these persons that will go run all around the country looking for a doctor. I live here; I want my doctors here. I had a wonderful gynecologist who found out about it. I had Joe Cogliano as a doctor. That's him there. okay. Happy guy. Then he's also got cancer. He's doing okay. We both were at a function?he was being honored. So we went to the dinner. I had a very tough year, very tough. But I was determined that I wasn't going to die; I was going to make it. And I did. I'm basically a miracle case because I had stage three ovarian, which metastasized all over my omentum. But I fought it and here I am. So really I am [a miracle case]. I did go to MD Anderson to get a second opinion, to make sure the treatments I was doing were right. I did have my second-look surgery at MD Anderson after, a year later. Well, I'm glad you're here. No more than I am. [Laughing] So that led you to want a hospice here? To open one, yes, because that changed my life at that time, too. After the chemo?they don't even give the same medication today for ovarian cancer because most people couldn't take it. I was deathly sick after the treatments, deathly during the treatments. But I said, "Do it, do it, do it." But they don't even use one of the medications anymore because it was too tough on the body. We 16 went to MD Anderson and they concurred with everything. I still went back there for checkups, just to make sure. The doctors are fine here. Yes, I agree. Then a few years later?and everything I found was by accident?they found I had an aneurysm. By the way, my younger sister; that's what she died of. Hers burst. But I had one. That was more of a shock to me than my cancer. So we flew. Took me to two doctors?just to get an opinion as to what to do?one in Houston and one in New York. But I liked the doctor in Houston better. He was from Lebanon. He was very gentle and very kind and I liked him. He did my?it wasn't surgery?well, it was a surgery. What they do is?say, this is the aneurysm. They put coils and plug the hole up so the blood doesn't seep. Because once the blood seeps that's it; you're gone. So I go every year and get a brain scan so they can just check and see that everything's closed up. Good. I'm not going to have anything else except?I hope not for years and years until I go, until it's time to say adios. I got you. But life is good. I'm happy in my home, very happy in my home. It's a lovely home. I don't run around as much. He's too?he still goes to work, Irwin. Good for him. It's not a good idea sometimes to retire, not to be busy. I think a person, when they retire, I think they die. Then their life is cut shorter. Whatever it is that you want to do, just do it, even a few hours a day. That'll keep you going. I believe in that. Yes. My father-in-law retired and he said that was the worst thing he ever did. Tell us who is Nathan Adelson? 17 Nathan Adelson?Irwin's partner here was Merv Adelson. He built a hospital, Irwin, Sunrise. Merv said, "Who can we trust to run this hospital? I'll bring my father in." His picture is still there. He was so beloved, this man. It was amazing. He ran the hospital, a wonderful human being. He got cancer. He didn't want to be in the hospital, so we brought him home to his house. [Pause in recording] So we were talking about the hospital. The hospice. Oh, the hospital. We brought Nate home. I think it was two weeks, two and a half weeks. I sa