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    J« E> Moreau Meyer Page I 3/XO/5Q a depth of three feet ao they will not freeze in the winter time. Proa the stain* a email service line is installed, usually of 3/4 inch galvanized iron, for delivery of water to the consumer* s house# A State law prohibits the use of water meters in cities of over 4,500 population in Nevada, so we deliver water on a flat rate of two dollars per month to most houses* Because of this lack of meter control, the amount consumed In the summer months is very high, reaching 610 gallons per capita daily in July* month we take a number of samples of water from different locations, and submit these samples in sterilized bottles to the Board of Health for bacteriological analysis, and while they are uni­formly clear, nevertheless we do not relax our vigi­lance because sanitation is most Important to the public health* I trust this will be of some information and assistance to you, and hope you will excuse me for replying in English as X eia not too well versed in other languages* Sincerely yours, Superintendent {AIR MAIL)