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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, March 6, 1956 334 „ Mr* 1. E» Bennettt eei Mr. wm. Reinhardt Mr* 0. M* Cory -Las Vegas Mr. W. H* Johnson Mr. C. M. Bates Please refer to your letters to Mr. Johnson dated January 13 * 1956 and to as dated January 30, 1956 relative to provisions of Section 5 of Agreement OLD 11342 dated June 1, 1953 covering sale of LVIA.W Co. water facilities District at Laa Vegas, Nevada. to the Las Vegas Valley Water The following report is furniAed hy Mr. L. R. Maag as the result of an non the ground" inspection made on March 1, 2 and 3, 1956. In making this inspection, however, it was found difficult to determine visually aftsr the job had been completed and covered up for approximately a year, exactly what was done, especially with respect to pipe lines removed, and the statements made in this report are based on evidence on the ground surface that work was done at locations whsre pipes existed, together with statements made by Mr. W. C. Renshaw, Manager for the District and Messrs Jsotnreusc tiaondn BIint ttlhee, fEinelgdi.neers for the District, who supervised con­Refer to Section 5 and Exhibit A of Agreement OLD 11342 (a) Construct 39** pipe line between points A and V and V and K. accordance with plans approved by HR Co. between points V and M as Indicated by red line on attached plan. A and V, but was constructed on property purchased by the District. Easement provided for under Sec. I page 8 paragraph (k) and (K~10) if granted should be re-conveyed to HR Co. (b) Construct pipe line points K to !;- Constructed as psr District plans approved by HR Co. (o) Construct pipe line points T to Ds- Con struct ed as per District plans approved by RB Co. (d) Relocate pumping station from point H.M. to R:- This pipe line was constructed on tJPRR Co. property in Note that pipe line was not constructed between points Pumping station was removed from point HH and was not