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    Las Vegas Morning Sun-August 8, 1951 Civic Federation Hears Discussion Of Water Issue , Without backing down on its general approval of Sen. George Malone’s efforts for valley water reclamation projects, the potent county-wide Cfvic Service Feder­ation last night referred to a newly appointed committee, ac-| tion on a Chamber of Commerce-] appeal for backing in the Las Vegas Valley Water district’s proposed bond issue to defray! costs of a water system from! Lake Mead. Chamber Executive Secretary! William Chamberlain told FederJ ation delegates that the “bond is-i sue is of primary importance and} must be passed first.” While he did not decry the jun-j ior senator’s attempts to obtains federal aid in creating reclama-l tion projects for the flow of Colo-I rado River water into the valley,! Chamberlain pointed to Malone’s! projects as “long-range planning,! the achievements of which m ay! not be realized for sometime to come.” “What we must do now is get behind the valley water district’s plans to bring water into Las Vegas through the Henderson pipeline,” Chamberlain exhorted. He said that by chamber reso­lution on Monday night, execu­tive board numbers agreed that while “conservation of our cur­rent supply is imperative, we must work to see that the coni tract by the valley water district! \ with the Colorado River Commis-1 i sion is consummated and ap-lh proved by the Federal Generali Services Administration.” I Chamberlain related the board 1 had informed Senator Malone f they were not opposed to his bills I for the reclamation project but | because they were long-range ini­tiatives, the board was seeking his congressional support on the valley water district’s proposal to bring into the district some 18 million gallons of water daily through purchase of the water system. He recounted efforts now be­ing made by the chamber to im­press water consumers in Las Vegas of the need for water con­servation. “ Our intention,” Chamberlain emphasized, “is to go to bat for an immediate solution for produc­tion of water on a sound business basis.” In explaining the federation’s approval of Senator Malone’s ef­forts, Lillian Collins maintained the organization “merely went on record favoring the work he was doing in attempting to get addi­tional water for Las Vegas valley even though we realize the re­clamation bills proposed by the senator are of k long-range plan­ning affair.” isiton Garrett, federation presi­dent, appointed Carl Hyde, chair­man of a study committee of five comprising Ted Dotson, Robert Benoit, Lillian Collins and L, P. Leavitt. After the meeting, officials of the federation were at a loss to discover who released an errone­ous report that the group had specifically endorsed the Malone bills. On this subject, the Morning Sun learned that in a letter from Malone to Benoit, dated July 28, the senator stated in part that “your effort to further these pro­jects is sincerely appreciated. It was most gratifying to know that the Civic Federation, under the leadership of Elton Garrett, is in favoE-of these bills.”