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? I they could not refu se were the Las Vegas Land & water Company to pay the R ailroad Company the sum oft §100,000.00, which iw double the cost o f the land o r ig in a lly purchased from the Stew arts, esp e c ia lly as the Land & Water Company has already paid $50,000.00 (th e t o t a l cost o f land purchased from Stewarts) fo r the property which has been tra n sferred to i t , I remember when I was A ssistan t General Auditor o f the Union P a c ific R ailroad , the Rattlesnake Creek Water Company and the Green R iver Water Company that a great e f fo r t was made by the people at Rock Springs, Hanna and other poin ts supplied by the water companies, to have the water rates reduced, and I was c a l l ed upon to produce fig u re s which would show that the water companies were not making the p r o f it which the consumers thought. The Las Vegas Land So Water Company has made a considerable p r o f it , and i t occurs to me that i t would be good p o lic y fo r them to acquire the balance ofbthe land around Las Vegas, inclu din g the water supply, paying to the R ailroad Company the sum o f $100,000.00, and as a fu rth er con sid eration gran tin g to the R ailroad Company the fr e e use o f water in p erp etu ity . I think the l e t t e r to Mr.Clark, copy o f which I attach, w i l l explain f u lly , but i f you d esire to see the balance o f my f i l e I s h a ll be glad to show i t to you fo r your fu rth er inform ation, I w i l l add that the pipe lin e b u ilt by the R ailroad Company from the springs to the tank was constructed o f a very lig h t sheet s t e e l. This pipe lin e has been in need o f rep a irs almost ever since i t was constructed, and I doubt i f i t w i l l la s t to exceed two