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B o n . J * C # p i r d , P a g e 3 B e © . 2 2 , 1 9 3 0 4 oheok m s ©sSaf daring the course o f these te s te , as to the e ffe e t o f tbs pumps on ©erbaln flo w in g m ils and i t m s found th a t ckirlarr the period tbs te s ts vers node* g en erally about three hours* m mtm>* la l deurease was usds in lb® pro& toiioa o f w e lle not poaped nor m s there any m a te ria l dearaase in the pressor © o f saoh w ells, In d ic a tin g th a t i f periods o f p ro - duotton vers H a lte d to periods o f peat demand, the f a ll three and a h a lf m illio n gallon ra te p er day oould he obtained* In W elle Hoe* 8 and 18* the eatin g diam eter ie such as to a llo w the nee o f turb in e pumps. This type o f pom* is p referab le fo r the reason m a t i t allow s acre fle x ib ility in the operation and also we a re as wired by the Kam fsot&rere th a t p ro s it d e liv e ry oan be Bade* In M X io * 11* the easing d is ae te r is too sm all fo r the n et o f a tu rb in e puap and i t w in be necessary to in s ta ll a c e n trifu g a l pomp on the surface* In the ease o f the o en trifU g al pu»p, the promised d e liv e rie s are somewhat unoertain. However* we fe e l sure th a t b arrin g so&e p resen tly unforeseeable catastrophe the in s ta lla tio n w ill be aoopleted in ample Umo to provide the excess oapaolty when larg e summer demands begin* Very tru ly yours (Signed) WM. REINHARDT Reinhardt CGi Mr* Howard Cannon* C ity Attorney* Las Vegas, Bevada Mr* Hugh Shamberger, A sst. S tate Engineer, Carson C ity , M a « Kr* Harry Jameson, Water Supervisor* Las Vegas, %vada BCC: Mr. E.E. Bennett Mr. C alvin M* Cory Orig;1-7534 - Las Vegas - Water Conservation Program Conv 7334 - n " Water Facilities oopy welis 8, 10, (1I1n)stall pumps