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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    refunding bonds shall have the same priority of lion on the revenue*, pledged for their payment as was enjoyed by the bonds refunded• AMENDMENT NO* 4 Amend Section 4 page 7, line 16 by inserting therein after the word "district" the following: "and the public service commission of the State of Nevada". further amend Section 4 page 7 lines 30*36 by deleting the following: "Where any suoh municipal corporation connects its \ ?, „ i< ’f w | o s fire hydrants to .t , ’ ( i . • ',y$i w pip | ||Pp§|l the water system of the district* it shall be the duty of such municipal corporation to pay to the district such reasonable charge for such hydrant rental service as may be agreed upon between such municipal corporation and the district, and suoh hydrant rentals shall be payable either monthly at quarterly In such installments as may be agreed upon. «