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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    m ~ 2 2* Install 12B G#I* pipe in Stewart Street from alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets to alley between Eleventh and Twelfth Streets* 3* Install 12w G.I* pipe in Clark Street from alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets to alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets; thence southward along this alley to Charleston Boulevard. The above lines are recommended in order to equalize the pressure on the easterly side and southerly portion of the town, also the Army Air Corps Subdivision, and to make it possible to deliver:' water to the consumers at higher pressures. Also, It is proposed to install fire hydrants on the equalizing pipe lines in order to pro­vide more water through these hydrants when City*s fire engines are connected to them* In making these recommendations we took into consideration that there will be a reduction in employment incident to the probable shutting down of the Magnesium plant, and also a reduction in force if not complete elimination of activities at the Army Airport. However, we find that practically all of the employes at the Magnesium plant except a few of the higher officials, are now living at the plant, either in Government houses or at the Boarding Camp, so that there will not be any appreciable house vacancies in the part of Las Vegas served by our water pipe lines, incident to closing the Magnesium plant. As to the Army Air Corps Subdivision, there are now 125 services in Unit No* 1 and 164- services in Unit No* 2 of this Sub­division* It is impossible to state just how far the reduction in personnel at the Airport will go, or when it will occur* In any event, we will be required to furnish the Army at this time with adequate water service; also, if the lines recommended above are not constructed before another hot season, the Public Service Commission of Nevada, will almost surely take some action. There are now 2J0 services in Boulder Addition, excluding the services at Mike Paps* Apartments and Auto Courts, which we understand Mr. Paps proposes to continue furnishing water from his wells. In addition thereto, there are 12 services in Park Place across Fifth Street which will obtain water from the water mains in Boulder Addition. It is our understanding that yop will arrange to have Mr. Bracken furnish the necessary estimates of cost In event he con­curs in the above recommendations* During the month of August our average daily production