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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    No "billing has ever "been made by the Water Company for evaporative coolers, either commercial or residential, but a very substantial portion of the air conditioning for commercial establishments consists of the evaporative type of cooler of which there are several hundred being used in the business districts of Las Vegas. The rate set up for this type of equipment is based on the use of 5 gallons of water per hour for 2000 CFM capacity, 8 hours per day, 30 days per month, for a period of 5 months per year. Exper­ience has shown that a 2500 CFM cooler will use from 3 to 8 gallons of water per hour. It will require a field survey to determine the number and capacity of commercial evaporative coolers which are now in operation in the City of Las Vegas. It is conceivable that the Water Company might be accused of discrimination if it made a charge for water used in Commercial evaporative coolers and then furnished water free for residential evaporative coolers. If it is decided to make a survey to determine the number and capacity of all the air conditioning, refrigeration and ice making equipment now in operation in the City of Las Vegas, it is estimated that it would require the services of not less than 5 qualified men for a period of 2 months to make such a survey at an estimated cost of not less than $3*000. However, if the new rates as set up in attached schedule are approved, I would recommend thaIt Hwe make such a survey as I am of the opinion that the increase in revenue would be substantially in excess of the increase indicated on attached statement and the expense would be justified. Referring to the Commission's findings with respect to various waivers of outstanding overcharges or undercharges and refunds men- Mr. Reinhardt #3