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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las vsga* - Juno $:i 1950 V 2 » 2 »» »? Sciob&rdt mu mmmam* I {( o9o9 nlfirr». RS«. US. Maaioa lag SuppcloenmleunutBiinnga talyo al oetft etrhe K waayt 2edrt mh ireMgard- Rapipga rSpernitnlgy. snanatiag with the production m b th# Oi^r Manager Shelley, Or. Carr of th* Board of Health, and Hr. Sag!** of th* Public Health Sarvloo oallot at the office this afternoon and in­quired whether arrangcaent* were feeing aad* to Chlorinate a il of the mater supply. 1 advised thaa that we were now operating the ohlorln&ter in the m g Spring, and would l « l w to do ao until such tine ae puap house in the Kiddle Spring was complete at whieh tine the ohlorlnator would feo nosed to the open spring. Bo pi. Br« Carr and Hr. Bailee p r e s s e d their opinion that all of the water delivered to the altar should fee ahlorlnated so that at least 2 A 0 PPM would show op at the outlining districts of the sity. Ho suggested the autenatl* flow type of eMortnator fes installed so a proper proportion voriLd fee maintained both during daylight end night hours, and suggested theas chlorinetor* be located at each of the three settling basins in order that we night fee thoroughly protested la Base of a recurrence of recent unfavorable reaction, which he said resulted in a number cf oases of dysentery which earned him considerable worry. will approslato your advise. A. X. folgap