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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (COPY) Qrig. 36-14-InterstateJPel*Co. Yer™'' Apdit No *7824 Copy 80-LVL&W ( _ ' Apd: Los Angeles, November 21, 1930 9436 Mr. A.S.Halsted: Several months ago, I executed, as Vice President of the L. V. L. and W. Co., five-year agreement (subject to termination upon 30 days' notice) with Interstate Telegraph Company, covering a wire crossing of Land and Water Company property at Yemo, to afford telephone service to our company doctor at that point, a copy of the agreement being enclosed. having been passed by the Board of Directors of the Land and Water Company authorizing execution of the document by Vice President and Secretary, has nc$w asked that we confirm his assumption that my execution locally of the agreement was authorized by the By-Laws. We have not construed the By-Laws as prohibiting the execution here of unimportant^ contracts such as this,; and, in fact, since-my election as Vice President of that company, I have executed several documents of a character which we considered not of suf­ficient importance to refer to Mr. Gray. However, before replying to his inquiry, I should appreciate any suggestions or advice you may care to offer. Mr. Gray, upon receipt of advice of a resolution F .H.Knickerbocker ' CHB ig