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LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL F riday, Sept. 1 6 , 1949 ZO 'f Water District v\ Officials Speed Lake Mead Survey The Las Vegas valley water district directors are speeding plans for the completion of the preliminary survey of the feasibility of bringing Lake Mead water into the valley, and report that tremendous progress has been made in the past few weeks. Kenneth Hill, engineer for the Greeley and Hanson engineering firm hired by the district to make a feasibility report, met i with the directors last night and : presented a report in which he | said the feasibility report will be completed by October 15 and ; issued to the public. According to the directors, the report Hill made was the most comprehensive possible and all of the directors were highly impressed with the statistics included and the thoroughness with which the company had gone into the details of the project- ' - The report cannot be completed, however, until the district gets some indication of how much the Las Vegas Land and Water company’s distribution system in the city of Las Vegas will cost, if purchased, because the e n t i r e financial picture hinges on this detail. The second step necessary before the report can be completed is the securing of a positive commitment from the Colorado river commission regarding the amount of water that can be delivered at the Basic plant and the approximate cost of the waller. A preliminary conference ah ready has been set up by the directors with the officials, of the land and water company,' in an effort to probe the possibility of reaching a figure for the distribution system as rapidly as possible. It is hoped that the entire program will be in shape to present to the public service hearing on water which is scheduled for Las Vegas on October 11. (Sent with le t t e r from Mr. R* A . Blonde, dated 9 /1 6 /4 9 - See F ile #80)