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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Omaha - Ju ly 9, 1942 071-11 Hr. H* Wlppreoht: Question Has been raised as to the propriety of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company bearing the post of wages and appurtenant charges of the watchmen at Las Vegas. This Is a matter of fact, and it should be deter­mined, to what extent these watchmen are guarding the water supply which is required and used solely by the Railroad Company, and what proportion of the water supply which they are guarding is utilized in the Las Vegas Land and Water Company*s commercial distribution. I will appreciate it if Mr. C&le will hare his own representative make this inquiry, and give me report. In the meantime, the attached bill, Audit Wo. 3809, cover­ing charges for the month of May, may be vouchered subject to any later adjustment of that or prior months* charges which may be determined after the result of the inquiry as above directed is known* Mr. Prank Strong