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I agree.Las Vegas - L ater Supply. 9315 Los Angeles - March 19-1935 Mr. F. H. Knickerbocker: F ile 9315-355., March 13, r e la t iv e to condition of wood stave pipe lin e in sid e shop fence at Las Vegas: I t is recommended' that approxim ately 3001 o f the present stave pipe be renewed with 16" cast iron p ip e , which w i l l extend beyond the shop fence. The wood pipe to be rep laced is under ground, due to which i t ra p id ly det e r io r a t e s , and d i f f i c u l t to maintain. Cast iron pipe in s t a lla t io n w i l l re s u lt in a d d itio n a l C ap ital Account exp en d itu re, and i t is suggested the work be included in the Form 30 which Mr. Mann is p re p a rin g fo r other pipe lin e work. pared and fu rn ish ed Mr. Mann showing the lin e we wish included. I f th is can be considered, w i l l have p rin t p reMr. H. C. Mann /