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    \ upon the number of days for which service was rert-dered. In prorating service charges and charge for water for periods of less or more than a full billing period, a billing month shall be considered to be 30 days. Section 9. Combining Readings of Separate Meters. In general, but one service connection will be installed to a consumer's premises. If, due to special conditions, more than one service connection is installed and these services are used on one property by an individual con' sumer and not for separate consumers, the monthly consumption through the separate meters will be com' bined and charged as though supplied through a single meter. The monthly standby charge for each metered service will be added to the charge for the combined water usage. This procedure will apply only when the services are to one property and will not apply to detached proper' ties, although in the same ownership. Section 10. Payment of Bills. Bills for water serv' ice shall be due and payable upon deposit in the United States mail or upon presentation to the consumer. Pay* ments of bills shall be made at the business offices or to collectors of the District or to its duly authorised agents. Closing bills and special bills shall be paid on pres' entation. Bills for connection or reconnection of service and payments for deposits or to reinstate deposits as required under the regulations of the District shall be paid before the service will be connected or reconnected. Section 11. Discontinuation of Service. Water service may be discontinued for reasons as follows: (a) Non-payment of bills: A consumer’s water service may be discontinued for the non-payment of a bill for water service rendered, if the bill is not paid within 15 days after the mailing or presentation thereof to the consumer as provided in Section 10 of these Regulations. A consumer's water service may be discontinued at his present location for nonpayment of a bill that was rendered him by the District at a previous location, provided said bill is not paid within 15 days after mail' ing or presentation at his new location. 10 (b) Non-compliance with the District's Regula­tions: If the consumer fails to comply with any of these regulations, the District shall have the right to dis­continue the service. (c) Consumer about to vacate premises: Each consumer about to vacate any premises supplied with water by the District shall give notice of his in­tended removal prior thereto, specifying the date serv­ice is desired to be discontinued, otherwise he will be held responsible for all water furnished to such premises until the District has received such notice of removal. Section 12. Charge for Turning on Water. If a consumer's water service is turned off for failure to pay a bill or for violation of any of the regulations of the District, the amount of one dollar, plus all out­standing accounts, must be paid by the consumer before water service will be restored, and a deposit to guaran­tee the account may be required as set forth in Section 5 hereof. Section 13. Charge for Resetting Meter. When water is turned off due to the consumer's use of another source of supply, or for other reasons, the meter and other salvagable equipment will be removed. If the con­sumer applies for re-establishment of water service from the District within a period of one year from the date of the turn-off, payment must be made in advance for resetting the meter. The amount of the charge will be the same as set forth in the Schedule of Water Rates for temporary services with meter set on an old service. For meters larger than 2 inches in diameter the charge will be quoted upon application. Section 14. Re-Establishment of Credit. When service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills, the consumer may be required to re-establish credit as provided in Section 5. Section 15. Non-Registering Meters. If a meter fails to register due to any cause except the non-use of water, the charge for water will be made on the basis of the average charge per month covering the period of the preceding months, first ascertaining whether the meter has properly functioned during such period and whether normal conditions prevailed in regard to the use of water at the premises supplied. In the preparation 11