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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Water Eights, No amount has been included in this Item. m tbs 1930 of the Nevada Commission* dealing with the lent increase in water rates, an allowance of $6000 was recognised by the Com­mission. The Company had elainad eons #200*000. The allowance, ae you will reoall, waa tweed upon #2000 per eu# ft* por aeoond of enter produced and utilised by the Water Coopery. Such allowanee was set 3 eu. ft* per eeeend. Currently with a flow of approximately IS eu. ft* per second* of whloh the Water Company utilises 98.51$ tweed upon- 1948 division of the water* the value of the meter rights would ho in excess of #30,000. A decision ae to the Company's position on this matter win be desirable* Revenuest The 1930 estimate refleets an Increase of #11*610 In water revenue. It is planned to show detail ae to number of customers* revenue from each dess* as wall as population figures in tbs final satlmats* This may ho nsafr#10*006 than the estimate herein used as rats of growth is declining. In 1949* total revenues of #808*390 reflected Sfiseel- revenues of #5,256.97. This amount included #1740,00 for water service connections st the rate of #3*00 per connection. It would eppeer to me that such payment might batter he treated as a credit to the expense incurred by the Company in making tbs service extension from the inter main to the curb. Treating it as a revenue creates a tax liability. Further the Company's expense