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    La s V eg a s Land and Wa t e r C ompa'ny . S T O D D A R D , P R E S I D E N T . OMA H A . N E B R . . S E I T Z . V I C E - P R E S . . O MA H A . N E B R . R E I N H A R D T . V I C E - P R E S . . L OS A N G E L E S . C A L . . J O H N S O N , S E C R E T A R Y . L OS A N G E L E S . C A L . . MA T T H A I . . A S S I S T A N T S E C R E T A R Y . OMA H A . N E B R . . B A C H M A N . A S S I S T A N T S E C R E T A R Y . OMA H A . N E B R . . S U T T O N . A U D I T O R , OMA H A . N E B R . . B UR R 1 , T R E A S U R E R . OMA H A . N E B R . . B A T E S , A G E N T . L OS A N G E L E S . C A L . L . R . M A A G , A C T I N G G E N E R A L MA NA GE R L A S V E G A S . N E V . C . M. C O R Y . L A S V E G A S . N E V . Las Vegas - June 30> 1953 ¥ 23- 1-112 8 23- 1-112-1 ¥ 26 Mr. Thomas A. Campbell Chairman, Board of Directors 7/8/53: Jmm advfsdd TAC fromPas. to DM by Id this item not reed by him. Las Vegas Valley Water District TAC mai led to JMM from DM tjhis dat 135 South Jtth Street one II) cc, work order copy and Las Vegas, Nevada drawing B-6I6 dated 4/l4/53 and B-6I6 dated 4/24/53 Dear Mr. Campbell: Agreement OLD 113^2, dated June 1, 1953, Section 13, Paragraph (b) provides that the first parties, and each of them, agree that from and after the date of this agreement and prior to the sale date, they will not without precedent approval of the District, construct, contract to construct or authorize the construction of any works for additions or betterments, etc. . . | . .Excepting therefrom any such works in construction, con­tracted for or authorized to be constructed under date of this agreement, etc.......... In order that there may be no question as to our compliance wi t h the provisions of agreement as stated above, I am calling your attention to the following two projects w h i c h were authorized by our executives and completed prior to June 1, 1953 but for w h i c h the agreement w i t h the subdivider was not executed until a date subsequent to June 1, 1953* I am submitting herewith one copy of our "Detail of Estimated Expenditures" for each of the above mentioned projects showing the estimated cost and conditions under whieh these project were constructed together w i t h one copy of print showing location of facilities constructed under each of them. 1 - Construct 790 L F of 6 " cast iron water main and 20 LF of 6" fire hydrant connections to serve area North of Fremont Street between 19th and 21st streets Las V e g a s , Nevada. This project was: (a) constructed under an agreement w i t h Harrison S. Stocks wh i c h was dated June 19, 1953 (b) authorized by Las Vegas Land and Water Companys ¥.0. 73 2 , dated May 1, 1953: (0 ) constructed by