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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-217


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    street as per contract made and entered into by and between the City of Las Vegas and one J.A. Delameter. Said meeting to be held on Friday August 25th, at ten o'clock A.M. of said day 1916, in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Signed W.E. Hawkins Mayor City of Las Vegas Nevada. Thereupon the Clerk then read before the Board the calls issued by him to the Commissioners of said City as follows towit:- Las Vegas, Nevada, August 23rd, 1916. To Messers O.D. Hicks, C.P. Ball W.H. Elwell, and F.E. Matzdorf, City Commissioners Las Vegas, Nev. Sirs:- This is to notify you that the Mayor W.E. Hawkins of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, has issued a call for a special meeting of the Board of City Commissioners to be held on Friday August the 25th day at ten o'clock A.M. of said day for the purpose of making first payment of sidewalk on Main street as par contract entered into by and between the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, and one J.A. Delameter. Said meeting will be held in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and you are earnestly requested to be present at said meeting. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the City of Las Vegas Nevada, this 23rd, day of August A.D. 1916. Signed Harley A. Harmon, City Clerk. Thereupon it appearing that quorum is present the Board than proceeded to take up the matters as called for in said call towit:- the payment on the contract for the construction of the cement side walk in District No. 6, and it further appearing from the report of the Street Comm­issioners and public property and the inspector that there is 8655 feet of sidewalk finished making a total at the rate of 14 cents per foot or a total of ($1184.40) and that under the contract said J.A. Delameter is entitled to the sum of fifty per cent of said amount it was therefore upon motion of Commissioner Ball and seconded by Commissioner Elwell and duly carried ordered that a warrant be issued in favor of said J.A. Delameter in the sum of ($592.00) which is the amount payable at this time under the contract, the vote upon said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioners Matzdorf, aye, Elwell, aye, Ball aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. At this time it was reported to the Board that J.A. Delameter had put in 1021 feet of intersections at 14cents per square foot making a total of $142.94, whereupon motion of Commissioner Ball and seconded by Commissioner Matzdorf it was ordered and duly carried that a warrant be drawn in the sum of $142.94 in favor of said J.A. Delameter the vote upon said resolution being as follows towit:— Commissioner Matzdorf, aye, Elwell, aye, Ball aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. It was further reported to the Board that said J.A. Delameter had put in 99 feet of interse­ction on Lewis and first street insaid City Whereupon motion of Commissioner Matzdorf and seconded by Commissioner Elwell and duly carried ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of said K.A. Delameter in the sum of $13.86 for the payment of said intersection, the vote upon said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioners Matzdorf, aye, Elwell, aye, Ball aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. At this time it appearing to the Board that there is an amount in the sum of $392.00 due and owing said J.A. Delamter as final payment on sidewalk in District No. 5, on Mains street in said City it is upon motion of Commissioner Elwell and seconded by Commissioner Ball and duly carried ordered that the Clerk drawn his warrant in favor of said J.A. Delameter in the sum specified for said work, the vote upon said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioners Matzdorf, aye, Elwell, aye, Ball aye, an d his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins voting aye. At this time the City Attorney H.M. Lillis called the attention of the Board to the fact that September 4th and 5th was the day that Fire Department of said City held its second annual labor day celebration and requested permission from said Board to use certain street in said City for its Auto, races and drilling, contents, and horse races, whereupon it appearing to the Board that said celebration is in the interest of the Fire Department of said City it was upon motion of