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I agree.Los A n geles, C a l,, January 3rd, 1910 Appn* 900 » Pipe L in e - Las Vegas, Nevada. P i l e 613. Mr. H. I . B e t t is , A u d i t o r , I W' B u ild in g • i Bear S ir s - R e fe rrin g to your l e t t e r o i f the 29th u ltim o, f i l e 91-W, and to conversation w ith your Mr. WatAwreon a few days ago. Inasmuch as an estim ate o f thejpcost o f the o ld pipe lin e w i l l f ,o\v-have to "be made, and fr e ig h t (marges and tran sp ortation w i l l - I have to be Aalten in to con sid eration , the charges shown on Im Form 30 w i l l have to be changed con sid erab ly. As soon as an estim ate has been made, I | ffill advise you the amount ehargable to the Operatiligl&fpartm ent, We have not a blue p r in t on hand showing th is work. Yours truljr, C h ief Engineer,