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    F O R M 14 Las %gas Land and Water Co. Schedule of Water Rates and Rules and Regula­tions, Effective December 1,1909 W A T E R R A T E S Bakery ...... ............................................ $i.f>0 Bakery and Confectionery combined......... .............. —- 2.00 B arber Shop, not exceeding two chairs....................... 2.00 B arber Shop, each additional chair............................. .50 Bath T u bs— public in hotels, boarding houses, public buildings, and blocks, barber shops, hos­pital, lodging or room ing houses, for the first tub ........ ...... 100 Blacksmith Shop, one forge.....................-........ —...... —- 1.00 Blacksmith Shop, each additional forge...—,.— .25 Book Bindery, hand .............— ................................... 1*50 Brick for building, per thousand... ....... ~........ 10 Butcher Shop 1-50- Church :..M .................................................... .............Free Cigar M anufacturer .......... .......... ..... .......... -.................. 1-QQ Club Room ............................... 5.00 Concrete W o rk , per cubic yard.............. 03 Confectionery Store ...........,.....i‘........................................ 1.00 D ru g S t o r e .... .................................................................... D yein g and Cleaning Establishments............................. 1.00 H a ll— Public, Social or D ancin g.................................... 1.00 H orse, M u le or Cow, private, all stock kept where-connections are made, per head............. 1....... 15 H ou se or Private Residence, occupied by one family, five rooms o r less.... .............................. 1.00 Each additional room................................. — .15 Bath T u b, private residence, each......... . .25 W a te r Closet, private residence, each........ . .25 Residence occupied by more than one fam­ily for each extra family....... ................... . 1.00 F o r each Residence, where 'regular family rates are paid, where lots exceed fifty feet in front­age by one hundred and fifty feet in depth, there shall be an additional charge of one cent per front foot for sprinkling lawns, garden or yard. Ice Cream Saloon——---*-——-------.--.................................... 2.00 L iq u o r Store or Saloon............ .......... -............................ 3.00 Office, Bank, Express, Railway, Attorney, Physician, M in in g Co. or other offices..,.......................... 50 Office Buildings, not to exceed ten room s................... 1.50 Office Buildings, each additional room ...................... .10 Photograph G allery ..... ....................... ...... ..... 2.00 Plastering, per sq. cent Printing Office 1.00 Restaurant .................................... - 2.50 Soda Fountain, in connection with store..................... 1.00 Stone W o rk , per perch....... ,..................................... ....... .10 Store or Shop.... ......................... 1.00 U rin a ls— public in hotels, saloons, boarding houses, public buildings, stores, barber shdps, of­fice buildings, hospitals, lodging houses, or other buildings, each................................ 50 W a te r Closets— public in hotels, saloons, boarding houses, public buildings, stores, -barber shops, office buildings, hospitals, lodging houses, or other buildings, each..........................50 M E T E R R A T E S F o r water measured through a meter twelve and one-half cents ($. 12 ^ ) for each one hundred (100) cubic feet up to eight hundred (800) cubic feet, with a minimum charge of one dollar ($1.00) per month, and ten cents ($0.10) per hundred cubic feet in excess of eight hundred (800) cubic feet, except that there shall be a special rate not to exceed five cents ($0.05) for each one hundred (100) cubic feet for use in county buildings or upon county grounds, and in public schools and upon public school grounds* . W a te r companies or consumers, may, upon due notice being given, have meters installed, make and size to be approved by municipal authorities, and to be installed by the water company at cost, at expense of party making request or demand for same. Meters to be installed within thirty days from request or demand. Same being placed at least one foot inside property line at most avail­able and safe place, and to be encased in an approved box or receptacle with cover, after which consumer w ill be held liable for all damage to same. A ll meters shall be properly tested when first installed, and must register cor­rectly. W a te r company may at any time test meters at their own expense. U p o n demand from a consumer the water company shall test meters of said consumer, and if same is found to not register correctly, shall without any unnecessary delay have same fixed, or replaced with a new and properly tested meter, and if meter is found to register correctly the water company m ay charge not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) for making said test. A ll serv­ice pipes from mains to be at least one foot inside prop­erty, with proper cut off at end, shall be put in and main­tained at expense of water company. " There may be a charge of not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for each trapping of water mains.