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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    > Dos Angeles, California May 1*. 1953 Mr. Thomas A. lets Yegas Tal lCeaym pWbaetlelr, DPirsetsriidcetnt P.0. Sox i ^i HL Sifts Togas, Sevada Dour Mr, Caspbelli late to aId dimti osnesn,d ibnegt ptfetrlm heenrtse wsiatdh esxitxe nsstaitoenmse nmtasd,e ttoh reteh eo fe stwehri cfha crie­­lities of the Dos Angeles A Salt Sake Seilroad Company and three of which rebate to additions, betterments and extensions nade te the eater facilities of the Da* Togas Lend and Water Company at S>ae Tsgas ydeanri ntghe steh es pteartieomde,n tJsa nbeucaaruys 1e, t1h9e5y2 ,d eatol Mwairtchh w o31r,k 1d9o5n3e. priI oarn a nsde nsduibn­g esaesqtu eonft tteh eS weoprtke mdboern e1 ,i n1 9t^h2e, pearnido fdu rsntiasthe dy owuhi wciht his o uirn eilduedatsd olfa tthhea basic purchase price and the cost which we consider would be added to tthhee bwaasteirc psuyrsctheams eto p rtihsee D uansd Teorg atsh eT parlolpeoys Weadt ecro nDtirsatcrti cfto,r tfh eu nsdaelres otfa nd that Mr. Dennett has already furnished copies of these stateneats to Messrs. Montgomery and Basdlton. able and Wlieltl m ey okun pelwe iafs ey moouk aeg rseuec ht hcahte ctkh oef a ltlhoecsaet aiso ny eofu tdheee sc dosets ierf­the projects shown on those statements has beta properly mode as be­tween the portion which is te be included in the basic purchase price and the portion which is to be added. Tou understand, ef eeuree, that with respect to any of those pDriosjtercitcst wwihlilc hb weo ernet icotalsetdr utoe taed c urneddeirt uspoo-nca tlhlee dp u*rtcuhlaes 9e pCornitcrea cotfs *t htebs unrefunded amount as of the sale date of the advance* made by the sub- divider c under such contracts. Tory truly yours. (Signed) WM. REINBARB# W». Reinhardt Sods,