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I agree.# Ba n k of Ne v a d a M A I N OF F I C E Las Vegas, Nevada July 8, 1954 M r. H arry M iller S e cre ta ry L as V egas V alley W ater D istrict L as V eg a s, N evada D ear M r. M iller: On M arch 5, the L as V egas Land & W ater Com pany a ccep ted assignm ents in our fa v or co v e rin g the follow in g agreem en ts: P lu m le ig h -G ille tt, Inc. P lu m le ig h -G ille tt, Inc. P lu m le ig h -G ille tt, Inc. L ee C on stru ction C o. , Inc, L ee C on stru ction C o. , Inc L ee C on stru ction C o. , Inc, L ee C on stru ction C o. , Inc, - "ISP'L. D. - " N "L . D. - " N "L . D. - "N "L . D. N "L . D. - " N "L . D. - " N " L .D . 2398 2407 2501 2561 2590 2671 2694 - Aug. - M ch. - Nov. - M ch. 9, 1950 * / r ’ 21, 1950 W" 15, 1951 | 19, 1952 M i June 26, 1952 May 7, 1953 * July 30, 1953 xt e> V / n \ Our lie n has now been sa tisfied and we shall a p p r e c iate it v e ry m uch if you would re le a s e these a ssign m en ts. . V e ry tru ly y o u rs, A . M. Sm ith, A sst. V ice P resid en t A M S:ik If**' O f f * h w / lJA ^ ifYvOjh* j A1-87