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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Permitting m t m to % m m ***** any water main in a water 6ystem flanging to any pa&OLi© utility for an unreasonable length of time* Section 3* the team "public utility" as herein used shall mean and embrace ail ©orporaiions, companies, individuals, associations, thair lessees, trustees or receivers, that now or miyhereaftsr mm, operate or control any plant or equipment within ths Ci^r of Las Tog as for ths production, delivery or furnishing for or to other persons, firms, asaooi&tlons or corporations, partly or wholly from an artssian well or wells, water for business, manuf&otrurlng, agricultural, domestic or household use* Section b* Any violation of this ordinance or any of the pro­vision* thereof shall constitute & misdemeanor and «hnl ho punished by a fins of not to exceed fifty ($50*00) hollars or by i^risoasiaat ^JUi the 01 ty jail of Las Vegas for a period of not to exceed twenty- rjppi (25) days, or by fete euoh fine and Imprisonment* Section 5* All ordtnanoee and parts of ordinances In oonflist jjjith this ordinance sre hereby repealed* Section d* This ordinance Is declared and passed as an «nergsnoy ordinance, and shall telce effect immediately after its passage and /^publication* Section ?? The City Clerk is hereby authorised and directed o hare this ordinaire published in the Las Tigas Evening Eerie*- - |rt|m r“ - a p » published in the City # f Las Vegas for that is to say * ones each week* ^ 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was read for the first tine at a recessed regul«jr nesting of the Board of Cwdseionsrs -of the City of Las Vegas held on the l?th day of July, 1939, and was passsd as m emergency ordinance qpttfc the second reading on said last mentioned date, on ths following rotes Commissioners hen*now# Gilbert, Krause and Corradetti and his honor the Mayor voting aye* does. Bone* proved this If®* day of July, 193?* JaHB L* BUSSELL, Mayor* City Clerk* (BEAL) July 18th and 25th, 1939* Viola Bums,