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f o r lig h t in g , gas, water and power used at the s i t e , and fo r telephone and telegra p h s e r v ic e , sta tio n e ry and postage, maintenance o f f i e l d O ffic e and miscellaneous expenses. (2 ) A l l charges by any governmental au th ority fo r lic e n s e s , perm its, or other\7ise, a l l sa les, use and s im ila r taxes now in e f f e c t , a l l p a y ro ll taxes or con tribu tions under e x is tin g lav/ fo r unemployment insurance or old age pensions or an n u ities, and the cost o f r o y a ltie s on patents. (3 ) The t o t a l payments made or o b lig a tio n s incurred under a l l sub-contracts entered in to or in conn ection w ith the work in d ica ted on such plans and s p e c ific a tio n s . (d ) Wet Excavation. Notwithstanding anything h erein contained to the con trary, the said guaranteed maximum cost is based upon dry excavation , except in the v i c i n i t y o f the proposed pump house s it e , and in the event water is encountered in the excavation f o r said pipe lin e s or r e s e r v o ir , req u irin g pumping, shor in g , or other unforeseen expense, b efore proceeding w ith such work, the Contractor s h a ll fu rn ish to the Owner an estim a te. o f the extra cost which i f s a t is fa c to r y to the Owner s h a ll be added to the guaranteed maximum co st. (e ) Labor Rates and Hours. Notwithstanding anything h erein contained to the con trary, the guaranteed maximum cost is based upon the fo llo w in g labor rates now in e f f e c t in the Las Vegas area and upon working an 8-hour day and 5-day week: Occupation Hourly Rate CarpenterForeman $1,625 ' Carpenter 1,50 Cement F in ish er 1.625 Crane Operator 1.625 D r ille r 1.25 Equipment Operator 1.25 Ironworker 1.625 Labor Foreman 1.125 Laborer 1.00 Mortarman 1•125 O ile r 1.125 P ip e f it t e r 1.725 Plumber Foreman 1.975 Plumber 1.725 Power Tool Operator 1.125 R ein forced Ironworker F oreman 1.75 R ein forced Ironv/orker 1.50 Rodman 1.25 S tea m fitter 1.725 Truck D river Foreman 1.175 -4 -