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    A t f lu t l ? , 195* U rn Vegas Valley Water Patriot *. 0. Bex 1109 l*e Vegas, riavadii Attention: Mr. Shanes A* Ceapfeell, President f lW U M i l Referring to /oar latter of August 3rd, drawing attention to tho provision In Sant tan 5 of the agrosasnt dated June 1, 1953* between the Bellroada, the Water Goapany end the Water District, d d A prevision requires the eobsissloa of plana and specifications far the relocation of eertala faeUltlaa aa property rataiaad ty tha tallraada within thirty days after tha "sale date*! t &a are hereby granted aa extension af slaty days fran lapit l# 195* for tha safes*eelea af such plana aad epecificatioas. tears eery truly* L08 ABOSLMI A » f U X 1 KAl&StOAD COMPAST (gfened) W M. R SIN H A SD f By .. .| , . - |T- - - ] | r - r Manager-011 Ssvelepneat i * PAOxrzc m i m m m m m u s -v s m s usb asp warn mw&m (S ig n ed ) WM. RM N H A TO f Viea President BCO-Kr. A. E. Stoddard-Omaha: • I bare executed the above latter aa it waa a natter af snail consequence aad Mr. Bennett advised that la hie opinion X aa properly authorised.