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|J*4) 0 F ^ M a m 6 ftECOADS* Ill ft® following koo*», andmovda m * posaaaalan of tfca First Part las on tut *aia «ntn* (4«l~a) Flow o r pushing raoorda fo r €|«te o f tha sp rin gs and w a lla tssn elw riM l tw tfea £&*~ i r l a t , in a la d in i waaklp flow or f a i ^ a * J ^ « J * 2 g o f «a«fe sp rin g and w a ll and a l l o f w a il logs* o ta a r and a copy {j-l-3 ai puapiitig raaords f o r wash pimping p la n t o r s ta tio n ahowiag d ata r a la t ly a to tw ^ ia o , to o s ta r and o&aar pimps tra n afarrad to tha M stri«a< (4* l- a ) S a rrie a h is to r y oarda, a a ta r oook shaata and a a ta r sa rd s. ^ „ .J§i -/ (4*s) m m m m m m c o n m t (4*2-a) Oanarai Worm Ordar traalnsa parfcala- ^ lag to 'tbs in stallatio n of waiaa# aarvioaa and hydrants. (4-2- 0) Tha drawings and traeing p artais- » tA fyur %# buildiniv^# raaarvtira# tanka* plant layout*,, \ and ©tfcar spring and pimping plant aquipaant. (4- 2-a) gan aral Work Qrdar foldars. (4-2-d) ffea f i r a hydrant sard raoorda. 1^-*- (4-2 -a) A il p o r ifio a tio n ntoords. (4-2-f) assort* partaining to aaatonsr eoaplalnts* (4*3) g$s@ggKBffi m w m m m rkccsups* (4-3«a) d ll accounting raeorda of tha wafcar Caapaar partaining to fiaad cap ital, dapraeiaUon , ^ raaarva* ysaaaaas* opanatlon and naintaaanoa* 400 > ordar tick ets, and w atarial tiekata* aaaapt thoa* raaord# afcidfe cannot aa oogragatad fro* or aro appurtenant to othar raoorda of tha la ta r Company # (4-$-t») A ll docuaanta and raoorda p a rta la * lug to Siaaanata **54 E igh ts o f *rf*y* f c | BiLuaid m f i w m m s i c o k b s * (4-t-a) AM m m m m f c Plata* (aaolwding fraases) f o r a l l 'awktsnar aeoeunt*. ( jH m O Any ottoar raoorda p a rta in in g to tha t i l l i n g o f co sto n srs.