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    FORM 10-59-10-10-12M l i l S A N P E D R O , L O S A N G E L E S A N D S A L T L A K E R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y A C C O U N T IN G D E P A R TM E N T H. I. B E T T I S , A u d it o r C o lle c tio n o f dockage- East San Pedro. Los Angeles, p£B j g ||gg Mr. A: S. H alsted, General Counsel. Pear Sir- Upon r e c e ip t o f your l e t t e r o f March 22, 1911, we took u p / w ith our Superintendent the m atter o f having uniform method o f . handling dockage due.from v e ss e ls en terin g East San Pedro harbor. Mr. Cullen took the matter up w ith the Southern p a c ific but has been unable to get anything d e fin it e from them up to th is . • ' \ ' , w r itin g . Mr.Waters, in my o f f ic e .suggested that th is matter could be taken up with the. Board o f Harbor Commissioners jand they' could probabljr be induced to pass an ordinance r e t i r i n g vessels en terin g ?the harbor to pay f u l l dockage at the . wharf where they f i r s t t i e d , , adjustment to be made between wharf owners in case the v e s s e l should move from one wharfifco another. Do you consi der that such a plan could be arranged,, arid i f ? s o , whether i t would be advisable to have i t fixe/d that way?