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    2 A. They advised that, In th e ir opinion, th is could be done. I f w ell were to produce more water than the amount we tran sfer from Well No. 1, then we would be required to make application fo r supplemental appropriation fo r the excess production of the w ell over and above amount transferred from Well No. 1. Mr. Jameson advised that we would very probably en­counter d if f ic u lt y in obtaining tran sfer of any portion of appropriation of Well No. 1 to an e n tire ly new w ell at our shop grounds, but the fact we have a w ell there which has been used since 1921 wworks inYour favor” , and he is of opinion our request w ill be granted. Mr. Shamberger's le t te r of February 18th, next attach­ed, transmitted to us the forms fo r making application fo r trans­fe r of portion of the appropriation, e t c ., and advised us how to make application in event we decided to make such tran sfe r. As a matter of information, our Shop Well is shown in the records of the o ffic e of the State Engineer as LA&SLRRCo. Well No. 159, but does not show any data re la tiv e to this w ell. Their records do show, however, that Railroad Company did not make request fo r appropriation of water, nor has c e r tific a te of use been assigned to th is w e ll. According to our records, the Shop Well was d r ille d in 1921 by Roscoe Moss C o., 780 f t . deep with 12” and 10” casing; 6” Kimball a i r - l i f t in s ta lle d , and w ell produced 700 g.p.m. In about 1929 or 1930, the a i r - l i f t was removed and deep w ell pump and motor were in s ta lle d . Through the years, the production from th is w ell has decreased. On January 8, 1952, a short pump te s t developed production of 301 g.p.m. However, i t is my opinion that i f well were pumped re g u la rly , the production during summer time would decrease to approximately 180 to 200 g.p.m. Our records do not show that we made ap p lication to State of Nevada fo r permit to d r i l l th is w e ll, nor do we have record of an appropriation being granted. The representatives of the several departments w ill meet in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 4, 1952, fo r a conference on the question of using the Shop Well to fu rn ish water to R a il­road f a c i l i t i e s , retain in g the connection to Clark Street main, in order to use water from th is main in event the Shop Well is shut down fo r any reason. This Committee also w ill make recommendation fo r pipe lin e work and f a c il it ie s required to accomplish t h is , together with estimated cost of same. Attached is statement of w ells in our water f ie ld , located on Railroad Company land, and amount of water granted R.R.Co. or LVL&WCo. R. L. Adamson