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being consumed It the present time, would be r. frir value, or $6000.00 for a water right value. FAIR VALUE FOR RATE MAKING PURPOSES In considering those items the Commission rules that the sum of $72,000.00 may be taken as a fair valuation of the property for rate making purposes: Water right value,5 cubic foot per second @ Valuation of physical properties as of Dec. 31$,2010903.0 $ 626,;400030..,0603 Working Gash Capital Total $713,;040003..0603 The gross earnings for the joc.t 1930 from domcctic, commercial and industrial services rendered by the water company wOepreerating expenses including Taxdeespreciation for 1930 NToott aEl arEnxipnegnsse s (Deficit) $30,360.10 238;;775833..6198 2,176,77 ' 32,536.87 Bhsed on the consumption of 581,^67,800 gallons of water furnished in Las Vegas to 1397 consumers for the year 1930, wc are of the opinion and find that the operating expenses, depreciation or retirement expense and taxes should not exceed the following. RCeonltleaclt ioonn sR ailroad Facilities MHaintenance $134,;142505.*8763 supervision ' 52;;149535,.5935 RTeasxeesrve for Replacement,2% on $62,403,63 13;:274583..0679 Total $30,227.83 The Company has filed rates for the future which are the basis of this investigation, ranging from 25 to 50 per cent increase over the present rates, which are unjust and unreasonable for service, at Las Vegas, and that in lieu thereof the rates should not exceed those set forth in the Commission’s order, entitled,’'Commit ssion’s RateJ’ An appropriate order will be entered. --oOo-*-