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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    March 3, 1913, Drinking Water Lae Vegas* 313. W. H« Johns-Manville Company, 1331*33 South Grand Ave,, Lee Angeles, California* Gentlemen:* Referring to your letter of January 14th upon the subject of drink* Ip ing water system for our Las Vegas shepsj 1 am not sure that | understand your letter suggesting the length of pip© be reduced from 1500* to 1000'* It/eoerne to me to adequately equip the Shop building, putting the drinking fountains in convenient places the length of the pipe is arbitrarily fixed/and cannot be varied from* This company is seriously eo^iemplating the installation of one of your machines, about ae outlined ijx ^yotu^letter of December and we are willing to pemit the installation to be made under your design and roe* emendation, but we feel your company should give us some guarantee that the machine when installed will produce satisfactory results* I am not sure what this guarantee should ba, but it seems to me fa ir to ask that payment be de­ferred until the machine has demonstrated its worth* You are familiar with these machines and know what they w ill do. We are not* Knowing what the machine w ill do you assume no risk thru the above guarantee* We are working approximately 300 men in the shop building * nine to ten hours per day, During the summer months the temperature in the building w ill probably reach 100 degrees for a few hours each day. A few man are employed during the night, but the temperature is very much less at night. Xt is^ ^ d e sire to furnish these 300 men an abundant supply of water at a temperature ranging between 48 and 50 degrees*