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Ihob Angeles, lloves&or 7* 1928, 93UHHT Mr* i . M* J e ffe r s 8 Referring to your letter October 23, file 434-001* iacuirlng as to promote In the natter of increasing water rates st Um f^gm t t ton delayed reply awaiting Mr. IoHsto®1® retime to tbs city, m the mMtor is, of course, in bis hand®* He has juftt written m as follows i »»© delayed .proceeding 1® this matter until our protest against increase in lowed® for %M year 1839 w aosf dtiasxpeso soend roafi blerfooarde ptrhoaperty Beyato fax Ceramics ion, the personnel of which includes th® Chairman of the Public Service fien slselcti M d the domitmt- tjwiege fna ctthoer *R aiWler owaedr ea nadl stohe iCno hnospoleisd atthaetd Ptohew ecro &n trlaicgth t.bCeo* wohf ilcahs tVheeg aMso,b ilfeo rS tehrev icfea mCiosmhmiinsgsi oofn .ehlaes cbtereinc men&e%rg yi,n teirne st-’ ©4, might he Qonsmmmi^d, 1# also hays pending hofor® th© cpounbyleinci cSnecrvei cteo oOopEeirsaitsee imoont oarp pvleihciactlieo ns ftoarg sc earotrivifci©c aitteo roofu pi ' Clarb County. A t th e ta x h earin g has boon held* end the o th e r m atters a re pending, we or® preparin g, and w ith in a few days w i l l submit f o r th e ex&cution o f has ? # f§ f land and Water Company, an a p p lic a tio n f o r 30-year perm it to use such o f th e s tr e e ts soft a lle y s where we .hay© alread y Ins t a lle d w ater mains, and euch oth ers m h e r e a fte r extend s e r v ic e to * th e p arts of. the c i t y and subdivision® served «nd t o be served t o bo ©horn on p la t to ho f i l e d in the o f f i c e o f th e C ity Clexfc o f th e C it y o f has Vegas w ith in ®uoh time a® the perm it s h a ll d esign ate, and not l a t e r than s i * aonth* a f t e r tot® c& perm it* fS an ticiu ot® no d i f f i c u l t y In procuring the p erm it, i f t o r perm it 1® issued, we w i l l then f i l e w ith th e P u b lic S ervice Cotaslcsloa m a p p lic a tio n f o r 100/% in crease on s e r v ic e oth er then motor s e r v ic e . We now hold by assignment 50-yeax permits from the City to serve Bach® subdivision, Harbins Addition, South Addition and the original townsite, and our franchise for