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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    0 p V y Orig GFA Ghgo, Oy Omaha Excessive pressure and caving in Well # 9 is still giving us trouble and we have been obliged to use a heavy mud which we are losing rapidly and apparently is going into the formation. While bottom is now about 100 ft above what we consider the, lower limit of upper horizon, we are afraid that continued forcing of this heavy mud into the formation may reduce porosity. From correlation we believe that by far the greater part of the heavy flow which we measured at 1,800,000 GPD originates between the shale body at a depth of 280 and present bottom at 365, and we have decided to set liner at 365 rather than take a chaace of losing porosity by further attempts to deepen. Will advise you of test after liner is set. S-116 0 Los Angle - Apr. 10, 1942 FS