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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    D E S C R I P T I O N gstim tM cost of rep 1 ae in g ! 8 M r x voted steel pipe U se fro® reservoir to northerly line o f Main Street, with 16 Inch v it r ified, pipe sncaaed la reinforced concrete; and of re-awwing and ^-arranging water stsodplpe and coach hydrants, Las Vegas, Nevada* I T E M IF A N Y C L A S S O F M A T E R I A L O R L A B O R IS C H A R G E A B L E T O B O T H R . & E. A N D O . E. A C C O U N T S IT S H O l/ L D N O T B E E N T E R E D A S O N E IT E M B U T IN T W O S E P A R A T E IT E M S . Q U A N T I T Y U N I T U N I T S T O R E P R I C E E X . # A M O U N T L A B O R - - y.-: A M O U N T M A T E R I A L D J V I S I O N O F R . & E. E X P E N S E O . E . Brought forward from sheet #2 715 00 j 12380 73 13272 23 323 50 Connections at Power Mouse to t&i® 8** suction lias o ff of pa«Sp... 3|j 6*’ std.ocmrp flange F&D 1 Lach 3 22 3gr 3 22 3 22 3“ std. 90® screw e l l i I f 4 49 ? if- 13 47 13 47 S’* atd* guide acting throttle valve, flanged F & l> i 47 10 I f 47 10 47 10 8M atd. screw pips 45 ft 2 00 & 90 00 90 00 4*’ std. screw pipe 12 £$ 77 60 i f 9 31 9 31 8** std 45® screw ©11 n laoh 5 65 111* 5 65 5 68 4M std. 90® « * 3 ft 3 40 i f 7 20 7 20 4" std. flgd.ualoa with holts 1 f t 1 47 i f 1 47 1 47 5**35**x4,x2’4 std.oress 1 ft 11 93 % 11 93 11 98 8‘* std. gate valve flgd »M l 1 I f 32 80 i f 32 SO 32 80 Labor changing connections 16 00 18 00 Use o f tools - Wp of 44S.GQ 33 35 13 35 OCMPAHY WStMlim QMRtm travel - Hoys 1200 S.8. 68.7 mi. 32440 f.mi. Cement Victorville 150 S.S. 222 mi. 33,000 Up© and fittin gs, Los Angeles 040 l.$ . 336.2 ml. 114303 steel, Salt Lsiee 10.22 S*f, 449.5 mi. 4594 234642 005 1173 & 1170 21 franaportation of man Los Angeles to Las Vegas and j' . . ' ; ^ 20 mem 672.4 mi. 13443 Pa .mile 01 134 48 134 48