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I agree.were to burn or otherw ise f a i l , i t would be necessary to make quick renewal or provide some other means o f d iv e r tin g water in to our pipe lin e s or mains at Las Vegas. I t is r e a lly on th is basis that Mr. Bracken is recommending that the lin e be covered. The same situ a tio n with respect to iron bands and pipe lin e d e te rio ra tio n account a lk a lin e s o il w i l l obtain at th is lo c a tio n . I f we were to paint the outside o f the 24" wooden lin e w ith a su ita b le asphalt base paint and cover over the lin e by using d ra g lin e, the cost would be in the neighborhood o f $350.00. One suggestion has been made that we keep a path or f i r e guard on e ith e r side o f th is lin e by removing grass and brush fo r a distance o f some 10 or 15 fe e t on e ith e r side. The distance from s e t t lin g basin to r e s e r v o ir fence i s approximately 720 fe e t . Trespassers are in c lin e d to shoot at the pipe lin e and otherw ise m u tilate i t , and burying the lin e would remedy th is p a rtic u la r s itu a tio n . There are some poin ts fo r and some against burying the lin e , and b efo re we decide to take any action in th is m atter, I should lik e to d is cuss i t with you in d e t a il. Tj" o RilJJJR 1 ^933 R. L. Adamson . . ?