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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    up 2 9 mi LOs Angeles- O a lif. June 28, 1927. 1004.0 L. A. & S. L. R. fi. GO, JUN % 8 1927 O f t l c t OF ASST. CHIEF ENGINEER - 34- M*. B. L. Adamson* ~~ C Referring to your le tte rs o f March 10, 1927 and October 22, 1926, f i l e 31-92, requesting the ledger value o f fa c ilit ie s necessary to the production or distribution o f water at Las Vegas* 3!he follow ing ledger value o f water producing or distributing fa c ilit ie s was prepared, as requested, for use in the study o f Tsater costs and i t should be borne in mind that when ledger value for re tire ­ment or other purpose is desired, request should again be made indicating therein, the purpose fo r which the ledger value is needed. fhe records are vague covering lo ca tio n , relocation and replace­ment o f pipe lin e s . In the Government's inventory in 1914 no attempt was made to inventory the pipe lin e s , the C arrier's record being accepted in most instances. The C arrier's record was not couplets or accurate then, and i t is only recently that attempt has been made to indicate on proposed or A-G work order prints the size and location o f pipe lines involved. Much additional research might uncover additional information relative to the pipe lines located at Las Vegas, but many changes were made under Operating Sxpenses and such changes are not o f record in this o f f ic e . For the purpose o f studying water cost the follow ing is considered accurate. The ledger value o f realty underlying the fa c ilit ie s included in this study has not been given, except for right o f way acquired fo r springs and the supply lin e therefrom. The ledger value o f this land i s given in the d eta il covering the supply lin e .