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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    January 11# 1951 W 2>l-70 P3l2u3a lSeoiugthh- G5ItXhl eSttrte eInto. Las Vegas, Nevada G-entleraeni ve seauredS aeuvtehroarliratoyn tfhosr acgoon*s tartu cytoiuonr roefq wueastte*r aSalleaeek 3i*n HBlldocgkesv l1e wa nTrda 2ct a0ndl t tLhaee NoVergtahs .Half of oonstruotlIo nu onfd ebrusitladnidn gyso uI hna rthei sc omDmiestnrciecdt hat that oontraot covering oonstruotlon of water name* duplicate originals of which are attac hed has never been entered into. In order that this ^preoia“tJes hItt bief hyaonudl weodu ltdo pal ecaosncel uesxieocnu.t eI twhoe uld waitttahc yhoepd> a gcrheeecmke Ints atnhed armeotuunrtn otfo m$e6** 10t5o*g eatth eyro ur earliest oonvenismcs In order that I may secure execution on behalf of the Water Company. Very truly yours* Secretary