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    \ Statement 1«0 3 Work Order 699 702 705 706 707 708 710 711 721 |£ C. IAS VEGAS IA33D A® WATER COMPANY ||\Y 1 1953 Amounts charged to the Investmsnt Account under new work orders dur­ing the period September 1, 195S to Marsh Jl, 1953 for additions and betterments to or extensions of the water distribution faoilities at Las VegftSj) NevadaI These projects (with exception® per footnotes) had not boss started as of September l0 1953o Construct 5981 ft0 of 6® G»Io water pipe to serve Wegtleigfc Traot Noo 2 Construct 2Sij, fto of 6® Colo mter pips to serve Purple Sag© Motel Construct 1275 fto of 6W Colo water pipe in Radllok Park Estates Construct 3391* fto of 6" and 158 fto of 8" CoI0 water pip© to serve Blocks 2a 6 and 7 ©f Traot la and Block 6 of Traot 2. Boulder Bam Home sites Addition Construst ijlO fto of 6W C0Io mter pipe to serve Desert Park Soc 2 Construct 318? fto of 6® Colo pips to serve Moss Traot No0 3 Construst 256 fto of 8" and 2367 fto of 6® Colo mter pipe to serve Park Manor Tracts 1 and 2 Construct 31*3 fto of 6" Colo mter pipe to serve Hardy Traot Construct li*50 ft, of 6” G0I0 mter pipe to serve Alta Vista Addi­tion Tract Noo 3 1/ Work commenced August 18B 1952 by and at the expense of the Federal Development Companyo Gfearges to investment account not mad® until December 1952 beeaurn the Water Company did not formally acquire the property until that date0 9 ’ S/ ^frIc P®rformed about 2 years ago by and at the expense of Dr0 Hardy 0 Charges to investment aooount net mad® until January 1953 because the Water Company did notformally acquire the property until that date0 Amount M #19 I05o 852o h U3l° H* 7870 1 993o 10 356« 10 lp.6i88 2/ 1 O880OO k 615q32 #67 6H?c$5 Auditor4s Officee Omahas, Nabraskae May 6. 19530 S&8S