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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (bcc - Mr. W. R. Rouse) May 14* 1934 Pile 80-11 Mr* Leo A* MeNamee Attorney at Law El Portal Building Las Vegas* Nevada Dear Leo* • / • X have discussed preliminarily with Prank Hamilton the form of escrow instructions and instruments of conveyance to be used in transferring the Las Vegas water system to the Las Vegas Valley Water District. He has asked me to send copies of these to you for review* He will wish to have your opin­ion of these documents before he approves them* The escrow Instructions which X am sending you have not yet been approved by our people or by Prank Hamilton although it is my understanding that with the changes which are noted in pen on the draft enclosed they are tentatively satisfac­tory to Prank Hamilton with the exception of the provisions of Section X* It is his opinion that the VJater Company and the Railroads should not participate in the security for the funds which will be deposited by the District iri this escrow. I am consulting our people to determine what* if any* secur­ity they desire to have with respect to the funds deposited with the Bank upon the sale date. You will notice that most of the changes made in the es­crow instructions as a result of my conference with Mr. Ham­ilton are typographical. He did suggest that paragraph 3 of Section III be omitted entirely, requiring a renumbering of the remaining paragraphs* I have also tentatively agreed with him that there be substituted for that portion of Section VII commencing with