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I agree.S tee l pipe lin e a t Las Vegas, Key. 615. Mr. H. I-.-B e ttis , A u d ito r, B uilding, Bear S ir :- Complying with your verb al request t o g iv e you the. cost o f : the I# inch r iv e te d s t e e l pipe a t /as Vegas from the headworks at Spring to connection w ith the City pipe lin e at .Main S tre e t, also i '? - the headworks and- r e s e r v o ir at Spring, an d.also in clu d in g the 7 inch r iv e te d s t e e l branch lin e to the Armour' Ice Manufactory in. Vegas yard and the two meters p erta in in g th ere to at the Ice Manufactory, I hand you the fo llo w in g taken fre s ^ ln v o ic e s o f m aterial and labor d i s t r i bution on pay r o lls . A Vv 18 inch lin e and headworks' . .. 7 inch lin e and meters . . , Total Yours tr u ly , Chie f Eng in e e r .