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    r Af e rt , ff l.lsp' d?f //H cVQV x) VI * xP rH BA's ' g: i H B S iiH 1 V « « P H K / ? r y x ^ Water I Waste of; w Y * ? % las Vegas - July 12th, 1934.-/ J * 25-5-5 \ / Mr. F. H. EnW e rb ocher , General Manager Los Angelei3% 'Aalifornia. Dear sir 1 A1 V x jfm W 1 g&ll r I am enclosing herewith copy of le tte rs sent this date to the Mayor and Gity Commissioners o f Las Vegas, and to the Editor of the Review, with reference to stopping the abuse of wasting water. Jhen in Carson City Monday, 1 had an in te r­view with . Shaughnessy of the Public Service Com mission and he made one or two very helpful sugges­tions which I would lik e to present to you and Mr. - Bennett when in town %turday. I fe e l that Shaugh-nessy w ill go the lim it with us in correcting this and one or two other misuses of ?/ater such as is be­ing indulged in by those who have in sta lled sprink­ler systems on their garages and hotel roofs, running continually 24 hours per day. T h e boys in the o ffic e have computed the amount of water being used per sprinkler head for these purposes and | w ill be able to show you some astounding figures o f the cost to us of th is waste of water. I w ill be very thankful for tions concerning this matter. Yours tru ly, m j sugges- Vice-Presi dent i